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Quick-reference skill chart

Skill Chart

This chart is currently out of date, as its existence relied on a database that we can no longer use. Multiple skills require updates, are missing, or have been deleted. Updates occur only when the Web Editor has time and remembers what might have been changed recently (or if you remember to list specific updates in your motions at GM). Instead, please use the skill tree pages, which are always up to date.


  • [ROOT] This is a root skill. It may only be learnt as a Major Action in downtime.
  • [INNATE] This is an innate skill. The character always possesses its benefits and disadvantages, even when a core location is reduced to 0 or lower.
  • [LEVEL] This skill may not be bought above level.
  • [UPTIME] This skill requires uptime action to acquire.
  • [CREATION] This skill may only be bought at character creation (or under very unusual circumstances).



  • Warrior [I-VIII] – 15 XP [ROOT]
    • Melee [I-VIII] – 6 XP – Requires Warrior of equal level
    • Targeteer [I-VIII] – 4 XP – Requires Warrior of equal level or Scouting of equal level
    • Armour [I-VIII] – 6 XP [INNATE] – Requires Warrior of equal level
    • Combat Awareness [I-VIII] – 5 XP – Requires Warrior of equal level or Scouting of equal level
    • Fitness [I-VIII] – 6 XP [INNATE] – Requires Warrior of equal level
    • Fortitude [I-VIII] – 6 XP [INNATE] – Requires Warrior of equal level



  • Artisan [I-VIII] – 12 XP [LEVEL] [ROOT] – Requires Trade Lore
    • Craft [Category] – 4 XP – Requires Artisan
    • Hextech [I-V] – 5 XP – Requires Artisan of one level higher




  • Druidic Oath – 10 XP [UPTIME] [INNATE]Requires Knowledge II Druidism


  • Geomancy [I-VIII] – 10 XP [LEVEL] [ROOT]
    • Kostomancy [I-VIII] – 10 XP – Requires Geomancy of half level



  • Scouting [I-VIII] – 15 XP [ROOT]
    • Hide & Sneak – 15 XP – Requires Scouting I
      • Stealth [I-IV] – 3 XP – Requires Hide & Sneak; Scouting of equal level
      • Camouflage – 10 XP – Requires Hide & Sneak; Scouting VI
    • Streetfighter [I-VIII] – 5 XP – Requires Scouting of equal level
      • Swashbuckler – 10 XP – Requires Scouting I
      • Brawling – 2 XP – Requires Streetfighter I or Melee I
      • Blind Fighting I – 5 XP – Requires Melee III or Streetfighter III
        • Blind Fighting II – 10 XP – Requires Melee VI or Streetfighter VI; Blind Fighting I
    • Targeteer [I-VIII] – 4 XP – Requires Warrior of equal level or Scouting of equal level
    • Agility [I-VIII] – 5 XP – Requires Scouting of equal level
    • Combat Awareness [I-VIII] – 5 XP – Requires Warrior of equal level or Scouting of equal level
    • Dodge [I-VIII] – 5 XP – Requires Scouting of equal level
    • Detect Scent – 3 XP – Requires Scouting of equal level
    • Track [I-VIII] – 3 XP – Requires Scouting of equal level
    • Acute Hearing – 5 XP – Requires Scouting I
    • Knot Tying – 3 XP – Requires Scouting I
    • Pick Lock – 3 XP – Requires Scouting I
    • Survivalism – 5 XP – Requires Scouting I
    • Conceal Weapon – 5 XP [INNATE] – Requires Scouting I
      • Conceal Item [INNATE] – 5 XP – Requires Scouting V; Conceal Weapon
    • Disguise I – 10 XP – Requires Scouting I
      • Disguise II – 5 XP – Requires Scouting V; Disguise I
    • Herb Lore [I-VI] – 8 XP – Requires Scouting at 2 levels higher
      • Poison Lore – 3 XP – Requires Alchemy or Herb Lore of equal level
        • Make Poison – 2 XP – Requires Poison Lore of equal level
        • Make Antivenom – 2 XP – Requires Poison Lore or Healing Lore of equal level
      • Healing Lore – 3 XP – Requires Alchemy or Herb Lore of equal level
    • Forgery I – 10 XP – Requires Scouting III
      • Forgery II – 15 XP – Requires Scouting VIII; Forgery I
    • Use Venom – 6 XP – Requires Alchemy I or Scouting III
    • Recognise Forgery – 5 XP – Requires Scouting III
    • Relaxed Fall – 5 XP – Requires Scouting III
    • Light Armour Expertise – 10 XP – Requires Scouting III
    • Light Fingers – 15 XP – Requires Scouting IV
    • Spider Climb – 5 XP – Requires Scouting VI


  • Dwarf – 10 XP [CREATION] [INNATE]
  • Elemental Elf – 25 XP [CREATION] [INNATE]
  • True Elf – 5 XP [CREATION] [INNATE]
  • Orc – 20 XP [CREATION] [INNATE]
  • Troll – 30 XP [CREATION] [INNATE]
    • Advanced Troll – 30 XP [INNATE] – Requires Troll
      • Troll Chieftain – 30 XP [INNATE] – Requires Advanced Troll; Character level 5 or higher
  • Vani – 15 XP [CREATION] [INNATE]
  • Beastkin – 5 XP [CREATION] [INNATE]


  • Spiritual Favour – 10 XP [ROOT] [LEVEL]
    • Devotion – 8 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour I [ROOT] [INNATE]
      • Miraculous Power – 5 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour of equal level; Devotion
        • Specific Miracle – 5 XP – Requires Miraculous Power of equal level; All miracles of lower level from the same domain; Primary miracle of same level for auxiliary miracles
          • Bestow Miracle – 3 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour of equal level; Primary domain Specific Miracle of equal level; Devotion
          • Remove Spiritual Aura – 3 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour of equal level; Primary domain Specific Miracle of equal level; Devotion
          • Battle Group – 4 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour of equal level; Devotion
    • Undeath Lore – 7 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour I
    • Demon Lore – 7 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour I
    • Martial Spirit I – 2 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour I
    • Lay to Rest – 1 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour I
    • Bless – 12 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour of equal level.
    • Curse – 12 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour of equal level.
    • Spiritual Strength – 15 XP – Requires Spiritual Favour of twice level; Devotion

Supernatural Afflictions