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Scouting Skills

Scouting Skills

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Scouting (15xp) [Root Skill]
Required for: Acute Hearing; Agility; Camouflage; Combat Awareness; Communicate with Animals; Conceal Weapon; Conceal Item; Disguise I; Disguise II; Dodge; Forgery I; Forgery II; Recognise Forgery; Herb Lore; Hide & Sneak; Stealth; Knot Tying; Light Armour Expertise; Light Fingers; Pick Lock; Relaxed Fall; Detect Scent; Spider Climb; Streetfighter; Survivalism; Swashbuckler; Targeteer; Track; Use Venom.

The character is skilled in the arts of survival.
This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII]

Hide & Sneak (15xp)
Requires: Scouting I
Required for: StealthCamouflage;

Providing they are not wearing any armour and in suitable cover, the character is able to move silently, and cannot be seen from over 10 feet (approximately 3 metres) away. This allows the player to ‘throw the horns’. If an observer is within 10 feet (3 metres) of the player, they are able to see the character.

Stealth (3xp)
Requires: Hide & Sneak and Scouting of equal level

Each level of stealth allows the character to sneak in armour of a type up to their level of stealth (so Stealth I allows you to sneak in all-over 1-point armour, Stealth II 2-point armour, etc.)
This skill may be taken multiple times.

Note: People using stealth ‘throw the horns’ instead of the ref signal for invisibility.

Camouflage (10xp)
Requires: Hide & Sneak and Scouting VI

The character is effectively invisible while stationary in suitable cover. This allows the player to use the Hand in Air signal after 10 seconds of uninterrupted appropriate roleplay while standing stationary, regardless of distance from others, so long as they remain still.

Streetfighter (5xp)
Requires: Scouting of equal level
Required for: BrawlingBlind Fighting IBlind Fighting II;

This skill relates to the use of short weapons – any larp-safe melee weapon up to 24″ in length.

I – Character can parry with an off-hand short weapon.
II – Character can call SINGLE with an off-hand short weapon.
III – Character may use a Small Shield (up to 24″ diameter).
IV – By striking their target from behind with a short weapon, the character can automatically call +1 degrees of SUBDUAL damage without needing the Subdual skills.
V – Character can call DOUBLE with a short weapon in one hand and SINGLE with a short weapon in their other hand.
VI – By striking their target from behind with a short weapon, the character can add the THROUGH call to their normal weapon damage.
VII – By striking their target from behind with a short weapon, the character can automatically call +4 degrees of SUBDUAL damage, without needing the Subdual skills. This stacks with the +1 from Streetfighter IV.
VIII – Character can call TRIPLE with a short weapon in one hand and DOUBLE with a short weapon in their other hand.

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII]

Swashbuckler (10xp)
Requires: Scouting I

The character may wield a single on-hand weapon of up to 42″. This weapon counts as a short weapon for the purposes of the Streetfighter skill. This skill does not allow you to wield two 42″ weapons together using Streetfighter.

Brawling (2xp)
Requires: Streetfighter I or Melee I

Characters with this skill can strike ‘SUBDUE SINGLE’ with unarmed attacks. Natural weapon blows (fist, feet, etc) should not come closer than 6″ of the target, and are called (e.g. “fist to face SUBDUE”) rather than struck. You may only call damage via Brawling once per five seconds – this is an exception to the usual One Second rule about weapon strikes. It is advised that this skill is only used with the consent of all parties involved.

Blind Fighting I (5xp)
Requires: Melee III or Streetfighter III
Required for: Blind Fighting II;

Allows the character to defend themselves when their vision is obscured (e.g. by a spell or blindfold). This allows the character to parry incoming blows and use DAC against attacks as if they were not having their vision obscured (but will still not allow them to use DAC against attacks they could not normally avoid, e.g. attacks from behind).

Blind Fighting II (10xp)
Requires: Melee VI or Streetfighter VI; Blind Fighting I

Allows the character to call melee damage while unable to see (e.g. under the effects of Blindness). This damage can be no higher than a SINGLE (though it may have damage types applied to it as normal e.g. SUBDUE SINGLE or LIGHTING SINGLE). A character cannot use this skill to call ranged damage, target spells or miracles or similar abilities (though using Brawling is fine). This skill does not allow you to attack people using the finger-in-air hand signal.

Targeteer (4xp)
Requires: Warrior of equal level or Scouting of equal level.

A skill representing degrees of experience and training in missile and thrown weapons.

There are three classes of ranged weapons: light thrown, heavy thrown, and bows (incl. crossbows). Note: Bows and crossbows deal THROUGH damage, if the user is capable of dealing at least a SINGLE with them using this skill.

I. The character can deal a SINGLE point of damage with a single class of ranged weapon.
II. The character can deal a SINGLE point of damage with any ranged weapon.
III. The character can deal SINGLE THROUGH damage with heavy thrown weapons.
IV. The character can call DOUBLE with a single class of ranged weapons.
V. The character can call DOUBLE with any ranged weapon.
VI. The character can call DOUBLE THROUGH with heavy thrown weapons.
VII. The character can call TRIPLE with a single class of ranged weapons.
VIII. The character can call TRIPLE with any ranged weapon, and TRIPLE THROUGH with heavy thrown weapons.

The refs will determine if a weapon counts as light or heavy thrown.

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

Light Armour Expertise (10xp)
Requires: Scouting III

The character is adept at moving in light armour, and avoiding blows. Any 1-pt armour that they are wearing counts as 2-pt. The armour still counts as 1-point armour for all other purposes, including total armour worn, armour repair time, and casting spells.

Agility (5xp)
Requires: Scouting of equal level

For every four ranks of Combat Awareness, Dodge, and/or Agility, the character gains 1 point of Dexterity Armour (DAC). This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

Dodge (5xp)
Requires: Scouting of equal level

For every four ranks of Combat Awareness, Dodge, and/or Agility, the character gains 1 point of Dexterity Armour (DAC). This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

Detect Scent (3xp)
Requires: Scouting of equal level

The character is able to detect the scent of 5 types of creature previously encountered. The scent can be detected at up to 30 feet via the call “Mass Detect Scent X”, where X is a type of creature. A type of creature is a specific species or similar, e.g. Troll, Aerokin, Wolf. Classes of creature, such as demons, undead, or corpses, do not count as creatures for the purposes of Detect Scent. Only the user gains the results of this call IC.
This skill may be taken multiple times to learn additional scents.

Track (3xp)
Requires: Scouting of equal level

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].
Level | Ability

I. Character is able to recognise obvious tracks, and get a very rough idea of the numbers that made them.
II. Character can disguise their tracks from someone with the previous level of Tracking. This requires five minutes of roleplay.
III. Character is able to recognise clear tracks, and get a rough idea of the creature and numbers made them.
IV. Character can disguise their tracks from someone with the previous level of Tracking. This requires five minutes of roleplay.
V. Character is able to recognise tracks, and get a good idea of when they were made and the creature and numbers made them.
VI. Character can disguise their tracks from someone with the previous level of Tracking. This requires five minutes of roleplay.
VII. Character is able to recognise subtle tracks, and get an excellent idea when they were made and the creature and numbers made them.
VIII. Character can disguise their tracks from someone with the previous level of Tracking. This requires five minutes of roleplay.

Survivalism (5xp)
Requires: Scouting I

The character is able to survive in the wilds: they can light fires, navigate, work out the time of day and their rough location, as well as hunt game or forage in a wilderness.

Acute Hearing (5xp)
Requires: Scouting I

The character may hear a conversation at 15 feet (8 feet if whispered) if there are no other major sounds nearby. Does not work for ‘Whisper’.

Knot Tying (3xp)
Requires: Scouting I

The character is adept at tying knots. They can tie knots which cannot be undone except by characters with knot tying (or by cutting the rope!).

Pick Lock (3xp)
Requires: Scouting I

The character can pick any non-magical lock. Standard locks require two minutes. Harder locks may take longer.

Conceal Weapon (5xp)
Requires: Scouting I
Required for: Conceal Item;

The character may hide one dagger or any similar sized weapon from non-magical body searches. The physrep for this item should not be held openly.

This is an innate skill.

Conceal Item (5xp)
Requires: Scouting V and Conceal Weapon

The character may hide any item under 18” in its largest dimension from non-magical body searches. Containers holding multiple smaller objects may be hidden in this way. The physrep for this item should not be held openly.

This is an innate skill.

Disguise I (10xp)
Requires: Scouting I
Required for: Disguise II;

The character is able to alter their appearance significantly so as to resemble a generic member of their own species. They may not alter their appearance to resemble specific other people. Given light and time can recognise the use of Disguise I. Only the user gains the results of this call IC.
This is a required skill for Disguise II.

Disguise II (5xp)
Requires: Scouting V and Disguise I

The character is able to alter their appearance significantly, including characteristics such as apparent species. They may not change their appearance to that of another character. They may, with good light and time, be able to tell if someone is using Disguise I, and identify the person behind the disguise if they know them well. Given light and time can recognise the use of Disguise II. Only the user gains the results of these calls IC.

Herb Lore (8xp)
Requires: Scouting at 2 levels higher
Required for: Healing Lore; Poison LoreMake Antivenom; Make Healing Potion; Make Poison

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VI].

The character is familiar with and able to recognise common plants and herbs and their general properties. The skill provides knowledge of the specific components and preparation of healing potions and poisons of equal or lower level to the skill.
They gain the ability to recognise alchemy at 1″ range. Only the user gains the results of this call IC.

Each character with the Herb Lore skill is assumed to go foraging and obtain, automatically and for free at the start of each event they attend, 4*level in Herb Lore ingredients, which expire at the end of the event.
Herb Lore ingredients work as alchemy ingredients, with two exceptions: they can be twisted together to make potions instantly, rather than requiring a minute’s preparation; and they cannot be Stabilised.
Alchemy and Herb Lore ingredients can be combined, in which case the resulting potion takes a minute to prepare and cannot be Stabilised.

Use Venom (6xp)
Requires: Alchemy I or Scouting III

The character is knowledgeable in the uses and applications of venom. They may apply any poison or potion that states it may be used as a blade venom to a weapon. Any character may then use the weapon to deliver the venom.

Forgery I (10xp)
Requires: Scouting III
Required for: Forgery II;

The character is able to provide a fair imitation of hand-written documents.
This is a required skill for Forgery II.

Recognise Forgery (5xp)
Requires: Scouting III

If familiar with the original, the character is able to recognise forgeries produced by Forgery I on close inspection. Only the user gains the results of this call IC.

Forgery II (15xp)
Requires: Scouting VIII and Forgery I

The character is able to provide an indistinguishable imitation of hand-written documents.

Light Fingers (15xp)
Requires: Scouting IV

The character may steal items in easy reach from a character or monster. The item need not be visible but must not be being held.
To use this skill, the character must plant a theft sticker (acquired from the refs at the beginning of the interactive) on the item to be stolen, and then notify a ref of the theft, who shall remove the object from the target and give it to the thief.
This may be used on all in-character items of kit that are not judged to be ‘impossible’ to steal by the refs (i.e. pouches, weapons, etc. but NOT clothing or other items directly in contact with the target). The theft is deemed to succeed if the thief is not caught ‘in the act’.

Relaxed Fall (5xp)
Requires: Scouting III

The character takes no damage from falling from heights of less than 100 feet.

Communicate with Animals (10xp)
Requires: Scouting VI

The character may communicate with animals to the limits of the animal’s normal intelligence and communication. The animal may communicate basic information or emotions (“This is my territory” or “I’m scared”) but not detailed concepts (“Four orcs and an ogre mage headed this way four hours ago”).

Spider Climb (5xp)
Requires: Scouting VI

The character may climb any surface they can grip (eg, trees & cliffs). After 15 seconds climbing they will be out of range of all melee attacks from below.
All limbs are required to climb, so no other actions may be taken while climbing, and the character may not carry anything in their hands.