Magical Skills
Magical Skills
Elemental Skill (12xp) [Root Skill]
Required for: Combat Magic; Create Mana Store; Elemental Power; Elemental Air Lore; Elemental Darkness Lore; Elemental Earth Lore; Elemental Fire Lore; Elemental Grey Lore; Elemental Light Lore; Elemental Water Lore; Empower Magical Weapon; Fashion Wand; Write Lesser Scroll; Write Greater Scroll
This skill represents a level of magical understanding and skill. This ability is required to cast elemental spells and affects the amount of damage taken in casting a spell.
This skill allows the character to cast ‘recognise magic’ at touch range at will. Only the user gains the results of this call IC.
Taking this skill grants you the ability to create and bind to an elemental focus, which is required to use magic. Upon gaining your first level in this skill for any reason, you automatically gain and attune to a standard elemental focus of your choosing. You must have access to a ley nexus in order to do this.
This skill also grants the character a single Research Action in addition to their usual complement of minor and major actions, which may be used to research new spells. See the Elementalism System document for further details.
This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII]. This skill may not be bought above level.
Elemental Power (11xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill I
This ability grants a character mana, the power with which to cast elemental magic.
The total amount of mana at each level is:
At the first level: 4 mana.
At the second level: 10 mana.
At the third level: 16 mana.
At the fourth level: 24 mana.
At the fifth level: 32 mana.
At the sixth level: 42 mana.
At the seventh level: 52 mana.
At the eighth level: 64 mana.
This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII]. It may not be bought above your level.
Elemental Air Lore (3xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill I
Knowledge of manipulation of the element of air, this skill is required to learn air based spells. This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level IX].
Air Lore I also grants the blue cantrip, “Breeze”.
Elemental Earth Lore (3xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill I
Knowledge of manipulation of the element of earth, this skill is required to learn earth based spells. This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level IX].
Earth Lore I also grants the brown cantrip, “Create Pebble”.
Elemental Fire Lore (3xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill I
Knowledge of manipulation of the element of fire, this skill is required to learn fire based spells. This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level IX].
Fire Lore I also grants the red cantrip, “Ignite (Touch)”.
Elemental Water Lore (3xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill I
Knowledge of manipulation of the element of water, this skill is required to learn water based spells. This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level IX].
Water Lore I also grants the green cantrip, “Create Water”.
Elemental Light Lore (3xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill I
Knowledge of manipulation of the element of light, this skill is required to learn light based spells. This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level IX].
Light Lore I also grants the white cantrip, “Light”.
Elemental Darkness Lore (3xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill I
Knowledge of manipulation of the element of darkness, this skill is required to learn darkness based spells. This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level IX].
Darkness Lore I also grants the black cantrip, “Extinguish”.
Elemental Grey Lore (2xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill I
Knowledge of manipulation of the ties that bind the elements, this skill is required to learn unaligned elemental spells (eg, dispel, enchant, extension). This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level IX].
Grey Lore I also grants the grey cantrip, “Detect Magic”.
1st level spell (1xp)
Requires: Elemental Lore I of appropriate type
Lets you learn one spell from the spell list of a colour for which you have the appropriate lore.
2nd level spell (2xp)
Requires: Elemental Lore II of appropriate type
Lets you learn one spell from the spell list of a colour for which you have the appropriate lore.
3rd level spell (2xp)
Requires: Elemental Lore III of appropriate type
Lets you learn one spell from the spell list of a colour for which you have the appropriate lore.
4th level spell (3xp)
Requires: Elemental Lore IV of appropriate type
Lets you learn one spell from the spell list of a colour for which you have the appropriate lore.
5th level spell (3xp)
Requires: Elemental Lore V of appropriate type
Lets you learn one spell from the spell list of a colour for which you have the appropriate lore.
6th level spell (4xp)
Requires: Elemental Lore VI of appropriate type
Lets you learn one spell from the spell list of a colour for which you have the appropriate lore.
7th level spell (4xp)
Requires: Elemental Lore VII of appropriate type
Lets you learn one spell from the spell list of a colour for which you have the appropriate lore.
8th level spell (5xp)
Requires: Elemental Lore VIII of appropriate type
Lets you learn one spell from the spell list of a colour for which you have the appropriate lore.
9th level spell (5xp)
Requires: Elemental Lore IX of appropriate type
Lets you learn one spell from the spell list of a colour for which you have the appropriate lore.
Combat Magic (2xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill I
The character has spent time training to cast spells while in combat. The character now considers a hand that is holding a weapon to be empty for the purpose of casting and maintaining spells.
Empower Magical Weapon (10xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill IV
This skill allows the mage to empower a single weapon, which must be of at least Mastercrafted quality. The empowerment is a short IC ritual that may be performed either in downtime or uptime.
This weapon then can do the elemental damage type associated with the focus of the mage (e.g. an air focus would allow the mage to use LIGHTNING damage, and a grey focus would allow the mage to use MAGIC damage) and is resistant to magical destruction effects (e.g. the ‘Shatter’ spell).
Imbuing the weapon with a different element will replace the elemental damage call for the spell duration e.g. an air-focus empowered magical weapon imbued with Fire would call FLAMING and not RADIANT damage for the duration of the Imbue spell, unless the wielder suppressed the FLAMING call.
In addition, a mage may cast touch range spells through their empowered weapon, so long as they have the skills to wield it. The damage call should be replaced with the spell effect as appropriate. E.g.: Casting Protection from Air (Other) this way would replace the normal damage call with “Nothing, Protection from Air”. Casting Shock would replace the normal damage call with “Flaming Double”.
Write Lesser Scroll (5xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill III
Required for: Write Greater Scroll;
With this skill, a mage can write a scroll containing one use of any one spell the mage knows, of level 1-4.
Inscribing the scroll uses up a number of units of Lesser Alchemical Ink equal to the spell’s level.
The caster must inscribe the vocal component of the spell, which must be at least eight words long per level of the spell. This may be performed either as a minor action in downtime, or in uptime.
Upon conclusion of writing, the elementalist casts the spell into the scroll, which is then ready for use.
A scroll may be used by anyone capable of reading the language it is written in. They must read the vocals aloud as written on the scroll’s physrep; upon casting the scroll is irrevocably destroyed, and cannot be preserved by any means other than the Enchant spell. Interrupting the vocal does not destroy the scroll. The Scroll pings to Magic of the level and element of the spell it contains.
The mage’s mana used to cast a spell into a scroll refreshes naturally; it is not committed.
Write Greater Scroll (5xp)
Requires: Write Lesser Scroll, Elemental Skill V
With this skill a mage can write a scroll containing one use of any one spell the mage knows, of level 5 or above.
Inscribing the scroll uses up a number of units of Greater Alchemical Ink equal to the spell’s level.
Otherwise, the process is identical to Write Lesser Scroll.
Create Mana Store (10xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill VII
This skill allows a character to create a mana store. A mana store contains up to 6 points of mana that may be used by any mage attuned to it. Mana committed to a mana store refreshes naturally. A mage may only be attuned to one mana store at a time, and only one mage may be attuned to any mana store at a time. Attunement to a mana store is a major action in downtime.
Fashion Wand (5xp)
Requires: Elemental Skill VII
This skill allows a mage to fashion wands containing one or more uses of any one spell the mage knows.
Creating a wand uses up a number of units of alchemical metal, up to a maximum of nine units, and takes a minor action in downtime.
Once crafted into a wand, the alchemical metal sets, and cannot be broken down into separate units.
A wand is capable of holding up to its total number of units in levels of spells. Each wand may only hold one spell at a time, however it may hold up to its capacity in charges of this spell. Once a spell is cast into a wand, the wand is set to that spell.
Any elemental spell may be cast into a wand. Once stored, the spell can be activated by holding the wand in one hand and activating it with a short, four-word minimum vocal. The spell is cast as if the wielder was the mage, when they created the wand, however they do not require any Elemental Skill of their own. For example, a wand of Plate (self) grants the wielder of the wand four points of magical armour. In the case of Mana Drain and Mana Steal, the spells use the original caster’s Elemental Skill level.
The mana used in casting a spell into a wand does not refresh normally; it remains committed until the charge is used. Once de-committed it may be regained naturally.
You cannot cast over your level of Elemental Skill into a wand or scroll, and you cannot cast from a scroll into a wand.
Charges remain after the death of the original caster, until used.
It is possible to create a wand containing a cantrip: this requires only one unit of metal which contains effectively unlimited charges of the cantrip.
The Enchant spell may be used on a wand to restore the spell charges previously contained within a wand after use. In this case, the caster of the Enchant spell commits the relevant mana.
Mana must be commited by a mage in order to be charged into a wand, e.g elementals cannot charge wands.
Wands ping to Grey 7 as well as the colour and level appropriate for the spell.