Geomancy Skills
Geomancy Skills
Geomancy (10xp) [Root Skill]
Required for: Kostomancy
This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to Level VIII].
This skill cannot be bought above level.
Your character may now know all information in the Geomancy System document, provided that they retain this skill.
Note: This document provides all the information needed to perform Geomancy; there is no “Knowledge: Geomancy” with further information. If you would like to know how geomancy manifests in the world, “Knowledge: Ley Network” may prove useful.
Level Enables:
I – As a minor action, the Geomancer is able to ask for one specific piece of advice about a ritual during downtime. This will be a sentence or two pertaining to one aspect of their ritual. If they wish they may instead choose to receive a single piece of general advice about the ritual. This skill does not allow the Geomancer to gain pieces of advice in uptime.
II – Flux now dissipates at a faster rate: One additional unit is lost during downtime each week. Meaning the Geomancer may remove a total of two flux each week.
III – In addition to the one piece of advice, the Geomancer receives a single piece of generalised advice when submitting a ritual in downtime.
IV – The Geomancer now receives two pieces of generalised advice as well as the one specific piece of advice.
V – Flux now dissipates at a faster rate: two additional units are lost during downtime each week. Meaning the Geomancer may remove a total of three flux each week. (This does not stack with Geomancy II)
VI – The Geomancer now receives three pieces of advice as well as their specific piece when submitting a ritual.
VII – The Geomancer now receives four pieces of advice as well as their specific piece of advice when submitting a ritual
VIII – Flux now dissipates at an even more advanced rate: three additional units are lost during downtime each week. Meaning the Geomancer may remove a total of four flux each week (this does not stack with Geomancy V or II).
Each level of Geomancy also allows an additional stabilisation to be maintained during a ritual by the Geomancer, e.g. a Geomancer with four levels of the skill may use four stabilisations.
Kostomancy (10 XP)
Requires: Geomancy of half level.
This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII]
The character has practised channelling and storing ley energy within their own body. By means of a short ritual upon a ley nexus, conducted either in uptime or as a minor action in downtime, they may prepare for kostomancy. When prepared for kostomancy, the character immediately gains 10 flux that cannot be lost by any means, as well as the ability to perform Kostomantic Rites of a circle equal to their level of Kostomancy, as detailed in the Geomancy System document. Any number of Rites may be performed while prepared for Kostomancy, until either the kostomancer chooses to undo the preparation, or some other effect ends their state of preparation early.
By performing a separate short ritual upon a ley nexus, either in uptime or as a minor action in downtime, the kostomancer may undo their kostomantic preparation. The flux that they gained while prepared for kostomancy is lost over the week, regardless of their normal rate of flux dissipation, as the ley energy within their body is released. Until they undertake another kostomantic preparation, they may no longer perform Kostomantic Rites. If they had additional flux unrelated to their kostomantic preparation, this is not affected by the process, and must still dissipate normally.
A kostomancer may, as an Invention Action, design Kostomantic Rites to produce specific effects. They may only design Rites that they are able to perform. Characters must invent Rites individually, as the design of a Rite is specific to the individual kostomancer: Rites cannot be taught to other characters. In general, a Rite will take a number of weeks to invent equal to its circle, subject to ref discretion.