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Head of State: Gunnar Bjarnarson
System of Government: Feudal/Tribal
Major Religions: Morvana; Triplicity
Minor Religions: Mallan; Ishmund; The Seeker
Languages: Sonvaric; Orasken
Major Species: Humans; Trolls
Minor Species: Orcs
National Descriptor: Oraskan

A hardy land of survivors and raiders, whose new king is attempting to institute wide-ranging reforms.

Five Rumours about Orask

Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Orask. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this stark, cold land.

  1. The new king is building a new castle to celebrate his kingship!
  2. Every Oraskan is a born raider who learnt to wield a sword and bear a shield before they could walk. If you sight them at sea, sail for all you are worth in the other direction!
  3. In the long dark winter nights, strange things happen in the remote hamlets of Orask, but the villagers close ranks with one another and never tell a single soul…
  4. Orask is full of huge great monster trolls that eat people!
  5. Something secret and evil lurks in Orask…

Five Facts about Orask

For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Orask or has visited it in the past.

  1. Cold and Harsh: Orask is a harsh, cold and difficult land with limited harvests, forcing its people to adapt to survive.
  2. Raider Culture: A number of Oraskan communities turn to raiding and piracy to sustain themselves. Many of these raiders have ultimately settled abroad, notably in Iavok.
  3. Troll Homeland: Many Trolls live in tribal structures throughout Orask, both among their own kind and within Human settlements. Most of these Trolls obey ancient customs of their own, and not all of them welcome outsiders.
  4. Community Spirit: A heartland of Morvana and the Triplicity, the idea of community and hospitality is very much alive in Oraskan culture. For most people, the local tribe, clan, village, or other group remains more important than their nominal king most of the time. The new king, Gunnar Bjarnarson, is attempting to foster a countrywide sense of identity (other than any Trolls who don’t want to be part of it, honouring an oath he once made) and spreading the worship of Mallan.
  5. Mysteries Lost to the Tundra: Throughout Orask ancient burial mounds, stones and monuments can be found buried deep in the snow, their significance lost to the veils of history.