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Warrior Skills

Warrior Skills

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Warrior (15xp) [Root Skill]
Required for: ArmourCombat AwarenessFitnessFortitudeMeleeTargeteer;

This represents experience in combat skills.
This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

Melee (6xp)
Requires: Warrior of equal level
Required for: BrawlingTwo-Handed; Two-Handed Mastery; Shield TrainingBlind Fighting IBlind Fighting II

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

A skill representing degrees of experience and training in melee combat.
I – Character can call SINGLE and parry with a weapon of up to 42″ in their on-hand, or a weapon of up to 60″ if held in both hands.
II – Character can call SINGLE and parry with a two-handed weapon of any length.
III – EITHER allows the character to call SINGLE and to parry with a weapon of up to 42″ in each hand OR call SINGLE with the on-hand while using a small shield (player’s choice).
IV – Grants both skills mentioned in III.
V – Character can call DOUBLE with a single one or two-handed weapon. They can also EITHER use a small shield OR call SINGLE with a weapon of up to 42″ in their other hand (player’s choice). This SINGLE must be audible.
VI – Grants both skills mentioned in V.
VII – Character can call DOUBLE with each hand.
VIII – Character can call TRIPLE with a single one or two-handed weapon. They can also EITHER use a small shield OR call DOUBLE with a weapon of up to 42″ in their other hand (player’s choice).

Brawling (2xp)
Requires: Streetfighter I or Melee I

Characters with this skill can strike ‘SUBDUE SINGLE’ with unarmed attacks. Natural weapon blows (fist, feet, etc) should not come closer than 6″ of the target, and are called (e.g. “fist to face SUBDUE”) rather than struck. You may only call damage via Brawling once per five seconds – this is an exception to the usual One Second rule about weapon strikes. It is advised that this skill is only used with the consent of all parties involved.

Two-Handed (10xp)
Requires: Melee III
Required For: Two-Handed Mastery

Specialised training allows +1 degree of damage with two-handed melee weapons between 36″ and 60″.

Two-Handed Mastery (15xp)
Requires: Melee VII; Two-Handed

Your mastery of two-handed weapons allows you to deal an additional +1 degree of damage with 36″ to 60″ weapons held in both hands. This stacks with the Two-Handed skill.

Shield Training (10xp)
Requires: Melee III

This skill allows a character to use a large shield in any situation that they could already use a small shield (e.g. using Melee IV while calling SINGLE with a weapon in their on-hand).

Blind Fighting I (5xp)
Requires: Melee III or Streetfighter III
Required for: Blind Fighting II

Allows the character to defend themselves when their vision is obscured (e.g. by a spell or blindfold). This allows the character to parry incoming blows and use DAC against attacks as if they were not having their vision obscured (but will still not allow them to use DAC against attacks they could not normally avoid, e.g. attacks from behind).

Blind Fighting II (10xp)
Requires: Melee VI or Streetfighter VI; Blind Fighting I

Allows the character to call melee damage while unable to see (e.g. under the effects of Blindness). This damage can be no higher than a SINGLE (though it may have damage types applied to it as normal e.g. SUBDUE SINGLE or LIGHTING SINGLE). A character cannot use this skill to call ranged damage, target spells or miracles or similar abilities (though using Brawling is fine). This skill does not allow you to attack people using the finger-in-air hand signal.

Targeteer (4xp)
Requires: Warrior of equal level or Scouting of equal level
This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

A skill representing degrees of experience and training in missile and thrown weapons.

There are three classes of ranged weapons: light thrown (such as throwing daggers), heavy thrown (such as javelins) and bows (incl. crossbows). Note: Bows and crossbows deal THROUGH damage, if the user is capable of dealing at least a SINGLE with them using this skill.

I. The character can deal a SINGLE point of damage with a single class of ranged weapon.
II. The character can deal a SINGLE point of damage with any ranged weapon.
III. The character can deal SINGLE THROUGH damage with heavy thrown weapons.
IV. The character can call DOUBLE with a single class of ranged weapons.
V. The character can call DOUBLE with any ranged weapon.
VI. The character can call DOUBLE THROUGH with heavy thrown weapons.
VII. The character can call TRIPLE with a single class of ranged weapons.
VIII. The character can call TRIPLE with any ranged weapon.

The refs will determine if a weapon counts as light or heavy thrown.

Armour (6xp)
Requires: Warrior of equal level

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].
This skill allows a character to wear an additional 2 points’ worth of armour per level of this skill. Total armour is calculated by adding together the armour values of each location.

This is an innate skill.

Combat Awareness (5xp)
Requires: Warrior of equal level or Scouting of equal level

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

For every four complete ranks of Combat Awareness, Dodge, and/or Agility, the character gains 1 point of Dexterity Armour (DAC).

Fitness (6xp)
Requires: Warrior of equal level

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

For every four ranks of health, fitness or fortitude, the character gains 1 hit/location.

This is an innate skill.

Fortitude (6xp)
Requires: Warrior of equal level

For every four ranks of health, fitness or fortitude, the character gains 1 hit/location. This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

This is an innate skill.