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System Calls

System Calls

These calls and signals are used to denote a variety of effects.

Verbal Calls

Man Down!

The most important call. This is used if someone has suffered a real injury. If this is called play stops immediately and the first-aider should be found. This call can be used by anyone. Note that this call should not be used lightly- it should only be used in the case of a real emergency. Repeated frivolous use will get you banned.


Used when you have had your glasses knocked off. Play is suspended around you while you recover your glasses. DO NOT use Man Down in this situation. Anyone may use this call.

Time In!

In character play is begun/resumed.
This call is used to restart after a ‘Time Out’. There should be a warning beforehand so that players can return to the approximate positions they were in when the ‘Time Out’ was called. This is normally called – Positions! 3,2,1 etc. This call should only be used by event Refs.

Time Out!

In character play is suspended. Players can relax.
This call is used to signal the end of an adventure or interactive, or following an encounter to stop play and allow a ref to mark up. This call should only be used by event Refs.

Time Faff!

This is basically a request from the referees for players to stop their advance, but stay in character.
It is similar to ‘Time Out’ except that players remain in character. A ‘Time-Faff’ call effectively promises the players that nothing is going to happen for a while. This call is used where a referee needs extra time to prepare an effect or encounter, but where the players can all remain active. This call should only be used by event Refs.

Time Freeze

Larp time stops momentarily with regard to the Real World when a “Time Freeze” is called, although the characters do not notice.
The players keep their eyes shut and hum loudly for the duration of the Time Freeze, which is ended by a Time In call. Time Freezes are generally used by the Refs to make things “appear from nowhere” or to “instantly” change the state of objects or characters. Time Freezes are usually immediately followed in game time by several characters getting a sudden and unprovoked urge to look around suspiciously: it shouldn’t happen, but it always does. This call should only be used by event Refs, or players when instructed to in system vocals. (For example: Vlad casts Mudslick, and must call “Mudslick! TIME FREEZE!” to set up his Mudslick effect. Vlad then calls “TIME IN!” when he has set up the Mudslick and returned to his original position and pose.)


To be used by character refs on adventures only, at their discretion, when either weather or long-lasting restorative measures are slowing a party down unnecessarily.
All armour is reset to its full value; all DAC or similar timed defenses are restored. Should any member of a party have any longer-lasting effects (e.g. extended spells), then the character ref should make a call as to how long to remove from the remaining time of that effect. Should any member of a party object to the use of this, then they may request that the effect does not take place either immediately after it is called, at which point it will not take effect, or directly prior to the adventure itself, at which point it should not be used.

Bow Out!

Used when roleplay has crossed acceptable boundaries for the caller. Roleplay is paused while they remove themself from the situation – this could be to go out-of-character, or to move away from the situation and remain IC. The change or absence should not be commented upon IC.


This is the safety call in case of a OC fire.


The REC and DETECT calls allow the user to recognise specific attributes from a character, NPC or object.
Whether you have these attributes will either be obvious (EG: DETECT Ring) or listed as a response for possessing an item or skill package (EG: REC Magic).
Note that these calls are OC. Only the caller gains the result of a REC or DETECT and no other characters, including the target, can tell the calls have been made.
The call response may be “Wibble”. This means the result is ambiguous or too complex to understand.
There are some cases where the intended response will be unclear. This may require quickly going OC, so the caller can explain to the target what they mean. Please give leeway for resolving such complex rules cases.

DETECT [attribute]

Detects the presence of a specific attribute.
Response: If you (or objects in your possession) have this attribute, say “Ping!” loud enough for the caller to hear. You should also specify where the ping comes from if it is not you or being worn or carried by you (EG “Ping, my sword on that table”). If you would respond “Ping!” multiple times you may group them together (EG “Ping, 10 pings”). If you respond to the REC of an attribute you will also ping for DETECT.

Common Examples:

  • MASS DETECT Scent Troll: “Ping!” If you are a troll
  • MASS DETECT Magic: “Ping, my ring on the floor!” If your ring is a magic item on the floor.
  • MASS DETECT Demon: “Ping, 3 pings!” If you would ping to MASS DETECT Demon three times.
  • MASS DETECT Magic: “Ping, 2 pings from my bag, 2 from me!” If you would ping to MASS DETECT Magic twice and your bag would also ping to MASS DETECT Magic twice.

REC [Attribute]

Gains specific information about that attribute.
Response: Respond as specified in the relevant REC ability.

Common Examples:

  • REC Nature of Creature: True elf werewolf – The target is a true elf werewolf
  • REC Magic: Earth 5 – The target has 5th level earth magic
  • REC Spirit: Unaligned – The target is not aligned to a god

Physical Signals


Physrep: “One hand in air”, or a blue sweatband-style headband.
The player is not visible to other characters. Some examples of when it is used are: by referees; ‘dead’ monsters leaving the scene of a fight; invisible creatures; scouts in camouflage (with the appropriate skill); and monsters waiting to teleport in.


Physrep: “Throw the horns”, or a white sweatband-style headband.
Represents a person sneaking in character. If an observer is within 10 feet (approximately 3 metres) of the player, they are able to see the character. A sneaking person cannot be heard moving.


Physrep: “Both hands in air”, or a red sweatband-style headband.
When flying, the player should call out their height at regular intervals so that they do not suddenly appear on the ground.

Note: If you want a coloured sweatband-style headband for a relevant ability, check in with the refs or wardrobe officer to get one.

Telephone (Bow Out)

Physrep: A mostly-closed fist held to the side of the head, with little finger extended to the mouth and thumb extended to the ear.
This is a physical equivalent to the “Bow Out” verbal call. The person using it should be allowed to remove themselves from the situation – this could be to go out-of-character, or to move away from the situation and remain IC. The change or absence should not be commented upon IC.
This signal may also be used when not in character. This should be understood as the person needing space and to be left alone – do not approach them or ask if they need help.