Head of State: None
System of Government: Confederacy of Various City States
Major Religions: Mallan, Roma, The Balance
Minor Religions: None
Languages: Roma
Major Species: Dwarves
Minor Species: Humans, Nixies
Five Things to Know About This Country:
- A Fallen Empire: Roma is all that is left of a great Dwarven Empire that supposedly ruled the world at one point. Now it is all gone, and Roma is the vestige that remains.
- Famed Crafters: The Dwarves of Roma are famed for their skill at artifice and the highest quality goods are said to flow out of Roma.
- Clans and Guilds: The dwarves of Roma organise themselves in accordance with a structure of clans and trade guilds as the primary social and political unit. These clans are largely geographic, as there are no blood ties between dwarves.
- Second Class Citizens: The non-dwarves who make their home in Roma live on the surface and are treated as second class citizens.
- Underground Splendour: The Dwarves of Roma live underground in splendid ancient halls of vast sizes, supported by the people of the surface.