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Head of State: Prince Bishop of Humact
System of Government: Theocracy
Major religions: Humact
Minor Religions: Morvana, Elemental Shamanism
Languages: Lavonnic, Sonvaric, Kardian
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Dwarves, Orcs
National Descriptor: Lavonnic

A land of Humacti solemnity, secure in its own might.

Five Rumours about Lavond

Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Lavond. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this solemn land of monuments and knightly orders.

  1. In this Humacti land, the honoured dead are accorded even more respect than the living. Somewhere amidst all the solemnity lies the answer to Humact’s Question.
  2. The Lavonnic Sword Brothers say they advise and protect the regional governors, but surely they must be where the real power lies.
  3. When Karadis is fully absorbed, Lavond will turn its eyes outwards to its next neighbour…
  4. There is treasure beyond imagining in Lavond’s mighty tombs for the adventurer who dares risk the wrath of the knights who guard them!
  5. Deep beneath Lavond lies a dark mirror image city of undead, in which the living are not tolerated.

Five Facts about Lavond

For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Lavond or has visited it in the past.

  1. Obsessed with Death: Huge stone slabs with many names, memorials and great statues dominate the skylines. Lavond reveres its departed, and to speak ill of an ancestor is a grave insult.
  2. Militarised: The Lavonnic Sword Brothers, a Humacti Order of Knights, dominates the country and helps to rule. Each major region is guarded by an enclave of Sword Brothers operating out of a vast fortress.
  3. Conquered Neighbour: Around the turn of the century, Lavond finally conquered its neighbour, Karadis. Though it still resents the loss of independence, by and large the former Karadis is relatively peaceably integrated into Lavonnic society.
  4. Elemental Shamanism: The religion of Karadis was one of elemental shamanism, passed down through the traditions and retellings of generations.
  5. Permissive Theocracy: While the nation is ruled by the head of the Humacti faith, and so undead are not tolerated, most other religious practices are permitted among those who do not seek higher positions.