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The Enlightened Kingdom of Caltaire

Head of State: King Leon De Castile, the Sage of Caltaire
System of Government: Monarchy
Major Religions: The Seeker
Minor Religions: St John; Mallan
Languages: Caltan
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: True Elves
National Descriptor: Caltian

A young country recently reunified after more than a decade of civil war.

Five Rumours about Caltaire

Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Caltaire. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this recently war-torn country.

  1. After over a decade of war with his siblings, King Leon gained control of Caltaire with the divine blessing of the Seeker! In return he swore an oath to make it the most Seekerite country in the world, and that is why Caltaire is so assiduously Seekerite.
  2. It is illegal to tell a lie in Caltaire!
  3. Even though Caltaire is next to Alaiso, Drow are banned from the country because they are too secretive!
  4. Caltaire has even begun to educate its peasants, which will probably result in upheaval and the overthrow of all that is right and proper in the social order.
  5. Caltaire is almost unique amongst countries in giving even its poorest the chance to better themselves with a decent education.

Five Facts about Caltaire

For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Caltaire or has visited it in the past.

  1. Holy Kingdom: Caltaire is a kingdom of the Seeker, with the king being a devout member of the faith, and personally bringing it to prominence throughout the state.
  2. Recently Unified: King Leon unified this nation in 1303 after a war that had lasted since 1278. Though a few years have passed since then, the country still feels young and somewhat insecure.
  3. Criminal Secrecy: The practice of darkness magic and worship of Noir is illegal, as is “malicious concealment of knowledge”.
  4. Fearsome State: There are rumours that Caltaire has a great web of spies and a fearsome Inquisition, an arm of the church concerned with enforcing religious orthodoxy. 
  5. Education: With the Seeker so prominent, education is highly prized, and exams can be taken to enhance social mobility.