Head of State: The Divine Triumvirate
System of Government: Theocracy
Major Religions: Astalon; Humact; The Light
Minor Religions: Other Seal faiths; all non-Seal faiths banned.
Languages: Alvaric
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Orcs; True Elves; Trolls; Vetch
National Descriptor: Guthryan
An extremely devout nation whose neighbours consider it a little excessive, Guthryer is ruled by three of its most faithful: Eric of Humact; Maria of the Light; and Luciele of Astalon.
Five Rumours about Guthryer
Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Guthryer. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this fanatically religious country.
- Guthryer is the only true bastion of the Seal Pantheon in the entire world. Even otherwise upright nations tend to allow some of the Sword or Bone faiths, despite these pantheons being evil or upstart, respectively.
- The Guthryans have turned on the Elemental Elves, exiling them and blaming them for all their misfortunes! This is doubtless the secret work of dastardly True Elves!
- All magic is banned in Guthryer, even sleight of hand and cheap little marketplace conjurings!
- Eventually Guthryer will ban all the Seal faiths but for Astalon, Humact, and the Light.
- Anyone who worships a god in the Seal Pantheon is welcome in Guthryer, even those hated in the rest of the world.
Five Facts about Guthryer
For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Guthryer or has visited it in the past.
- Led by Faith: After Guthryer’s defeat as part of Greater Alvaron and the subsequent collapse of that reduced kingdom, the Guthryans blamed their losses on two things: insufficient faith among the people of Greater Alvaron; and alliances their foes had made with dark and unholy powers. Guthryer’s independence has thus fuelled a massive rise in religious fervour.
- A Strict and Holy Law: Guthryer’s legal code is highly thorough, as befits an Astalonian nation, and relatively restrictive. Notably, in Guthryer, all of the following are illegal (and often either heretical or heathen): Worship of any god outside the Seal Pantheon; not being spiritually aligned to the Seal Pantheon; being undead; the creation of undead; casting of spells above the fifth circle (thought to be demonic); geomancy; and demonology. On the other hand, any being capable of having a Seal-aligned soul is welcome in Guthryer, setting it apart from the vast majority of nations.
- A Shrunken Brotherhood: Whilst Guthryer was once home to the renowned Brotherhood of Magic, who controlled the practice of magic across much of Alvaron, the religious upheaval caused the vast majority of mages to leave, along with the Elemental Elves, who cannot align their souls to any god and are thus no longer permitted to exist in the eyes of the law. The tiny remainder of the Brotherhood of Magic has little influence and is quite bitter about the desertion of the majority of its members.
- Zealous Citizenry: Many of the citizens of Guthryer are whole-hearted believers who are certain that Guthryer’s new direction is the only right and moral course. The rather smaller proportion who look back on the older, more permissive days fondly do not speak out for fear their own neighbours will silence them.
- Dreams of Crusade: Guthryer has multiple notable religious crusades in its history. When the Lord Undying invaded Alvaron, after confirming the rumours were true, Guthryer overcame its detestation of Durholme and the Pentarchy enough to commit a holy force to fight the undead alongside them, perhaps in part aided by the then Queen of Durholme being a Guthryan Lightite. It is likely that this will not be the last crusade this devout nation undertakes.