“Law is the manifestation of divinity. Therefore, where-ever law exists, it must be upheld, purified and kept clean, to keep the people clean. Mortals, you see, are debased, separated from the divine, and in need of order to keep them from falling into depravity and madness. That order is provided by the framework of law ? those little fragments of god that we collect like jewels in the sand. Lose them, and we lose everything that lifts us above the beasts.”
Excerpt from the sermons of Aelfred the Magistrate
The church of Astalon has had a mixed history with many triumphs yet eternally dogged by problems with demon worship. However, these have been fully resolved and the church is becoming more popular once more.
Law is the binding force of society that provides security and stability for all. Without law chaos would reign and society would fall to the darkness. Therefore, for the good of all people, the law must be adhered to. The church is the very embodiment of law and its eternal guardian.
Word of Astalon
Laws contain divine truth. Over time, it has been splintered, obscured and abused, but the fragments are still present. Therefore the law must be adhered to exactly, no matter its nature.
Spirit of Astalon
Laws contain divine truth. Over time, it has been splintered, obscured and abused, but the fragments are still present. Therefore, the laws spirit must be adhered to exactly as mortals have corrupted the divine truth.
Souls of Astalon
Laws contain divine truth. This is frequently corrupted by mortals. The Souls seek to refine, purify and clarify the laws of a land.
Do not lie. Not even by omission or obfuscation.
Obey the laws of the territory you are in.
Actively seek to uphold the law and defy chaos in its many guises.
Primary domain: Divination
Secondary domains: Debilitation, Dismissal, Harming, Mind Control, Protection