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Head of State: King Oswiu
System of Government: Elective Feudal Monarchy
Major Religions: St John; Mallan; Morvana; The Crofter
Minor Religions: Various; Vivamort and Dominion of Vortex explicitly banned.
Languages: Alvaric
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: None
National Descriptor: Deyaran

A straightforward and militaristic nation whose king, though foreign by birth, was chosen by the acclaim of the Deyaran nobility due to his conduct in the war.

Five Rumours about Deyar

Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Deyar. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this honourable and somewhat warlike country.

  1. Deyar used to be bent on conquest, but was ultimately conquered instead. Now that it is a free nation again, it is probably just biding its time…
  2. Though King Oswiu of Deyar was an enemy of Durholme and the Pentarchy while he served the fallen kingdom of Greater Alvaron, he now looks upon them with favour and seeks to be their friend.
  3. Never boast to a Deyaran or they will demand you prove every word!
  4. The Deyaran lords have secret treasure hoards with which they buy their people’s absolute loyalty! These hoards must be absolutely huge as Deyarans are notoriously hard to bribe.
  5. Deyarans think jewellery is sacred and you can get cursed for wearing it wrong!

Five Facts about Deyar

For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Deyar or has visited it in the past.

  1. Permissive Legality: In the spirit of friendship with the Realm of Durholme on its northern border, Deyar has recently legalised many practices common there. However, worship of The Dominion of Vortex or of Vivamort remains illegal, as does the practice of demonology and the creation of undead.
  2. Warrior Pride: The people of Deyar take great pride in their warriors. Since they also highly value stoicism, several recent defeats on the battlefield have left that pride seemingly untarnished.
  3. Former Conquerors: During the 1290s, Deyar was led by a group of renegade military commanders, who pushed for a brutal expansionism and invaded several of its neighbours. These commanders were largely executed or exiled following the country’s absorption into the recently-fallen kingdom of Greater Alvaron, and the current system of leadership is that of a monarch chosen by their nobles gathered in a witan.
  4. Honest and Honourable: The people of Deyar dislike lies, trickery, and unearnt puffery. Most of all they respect those who prove their worth through deeds, rather than boastful words. Most people can readily and approvingly recite their local lord’s accomplishments, as these are how that lord has proven their fitness to lead.
  5. Ring-Givers: The Deyaran nobility often give small trinkets, typically jewellery, to those who have served them well as visible tokens of the person’s achievement and their lord’s appreciation of it. Deyarans wear these tokens proudly as clear outward signifiers of their status, and to wear unearnt tokens is considered a shameful deception. The way jewellery is worn in Deyar is therefore often significantly different to the practice in other nations.