Head of State: Emperor Frederick III
System of Government: Imperial
Major Religions: The Light
Minor Religions: None
Languages: Tretovan
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Elemental Elves, True Elves, Trolls, Dwarves
National Descriptor: Tretovan
Also known as the Empire of the Light, this empire of many tiny states was once known for its relentless inquisitors, but in more recent years it has largely ceased overt outward acts.
Five Rumours about Tretova
Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Tretova. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this famously religious country.
- Everyone in Tretova is a devout Lightite and will grill visitors about the intended use of any powers they may have to be sure they’re not evil before allowing them in.
- Tretova is actually just a collection of little states like Haladria or Rubis, pretending to be an empire.
- Everyone expects the Tretovan Inquisition! But actually, they say the Church of the Light is mostly quite nice now? Probably still best to be careful.
- In Tretova they think magic comes from demons!
- It’s said anyone is welcome in Tretova as long as they aren’t evil.
Five Facts about Tretova
For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Tretova or has visited it in the past.
- Church Dominance: The Tretovan Church of the Light is one of the largest and most powerful religious organisations in the world, with sway over all levels of society.
- Empire of Many Crowns: Tretova is made up of numerous small kingdoms, principalities, duchies, free cities, and large towns who all swear fealty to one Emperor.
- Religious Schisms: Between 1295 and 1298, the Church of the Light was split between progressive and traditional factions. It ultimately settled into the progressive route following the ascension of Abigail Elders as Hierophant.
- Lingering Hostility: There are still plenty of traditionalists in Tretova who remain hostile to all magic and to any faith but that of the Light, even though magic and various other faiths have been made legal following the sea change in the Church of the Light.
- Political Tension: The number of small states, each with their own desires and local rulers, governed to differing degrees by the Emperor and the Church (who are not always themselves in agreement), results in a complex dance of shifting tensions that can be hard to keep up with even for locals.