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The Shining Nation of Andalucia

The Shining Nation of Andalucia

Head of State: Her Effervescent Majesty Queen Valentina del Rosario e Graca
System of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Major Religions: Elemental Worship
Minor Religions: Ishmund
Languages: All Elemental Dialects
Major Species: Elemental Elves
Minor Species: Humans, Dwarves and Orcs

Five Things to Know About This Country:

  1. Unity of the Elements: Andalucia is founded on the principles of Elemental Unity, with the Queen advised by a council of all elements and it being patriotic to work a task “unsuited” to one’s elements.
  2. Product of a Revolution: Since 1298 Andalucia has thrown off a strict caste system in a violent revolution aided by the people of Durholme, things have stayed relatively peaceful since then.
  3. Allied to Durholme: The current Queen was once the ambassador to Durholme, and the Shining Nation has an alliance with Durholme which it keeps close.
  4. Slavery and Hatred: Slavery is legal in Andalucia but increasingly socially undesirable. True Elves are not permitted to be citizens and are killed on sight as species-traitors. The Church of Ishmund agitates for further reform, even rebelling.
  5. Land of Elemental Metals: Andalucia is ever in need of elemental metals, building great churches out of it and developing a skill with Hextech.