Head of State: Caliph Victor
System of Government: Monarchy/Theocracy
Major Religions: The Balance
Minor Religions: All Spiritual Faiths
Languages: Alkhan
Major Species: Humans; Dwarves
Minor Species: Beastkin
National Descriptor: Talakhin
Five Rumours about Talaik
Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Talaik. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this country.
- Talaik is Teletos’ second favourite country after Haladria!
- You can worship any god you like in Talaik, even the ones most consider evil.
- The Talakhin have really big families and keep careful track of them all.
- They skin mages alive in Talaik!
- Talaik is one of the few places where you can occasionally run into beastkin on the street.
Five Facts about Talaik
For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Talaik or has visited it in the past.
- School of Geomancy: Geomancy is woven deeply into the fabric of Talakhin culture, as the country has a large number of known ley nexi.
- Universalist Church: The spiritual faiths are given paramount importance in Talaik, and the head of the church is said to be the Avatar of the Balance.
- Clan Structure: The primary social structures of Talaik are a system of sprawling clans.
- Hatred of Magic: Talaik abhors elemental magic: its use is considered to be heretical and is severely punished.
- Rival of Marukh: The neighbouring country of Marukh has long been Talaik’s greatest enemy, and the two exist in a perpetual state of simmering hostility that occasionally breaks out into outright war.