Head of State: Vladimir the Great
System of Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Major Religions: The Church of the Exalted Reborn One (Vivamort)
Minor Religions: The Crofter
Languages: Tarn
Major Species: Humans; Undead
Minor Species: Tomten
National Descriptor: Rurethi
A peaceful and quietly wealthy land with an extremely long-term outlook.
Five Rumours about Rureth
Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Rureth. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this peaceful, seemingly benevolently-ruled country.
- Rureth is a pleasant, inviting land where the peasants know their place and in return are looked after well by benevolent nobility.
- Rureth is run by Vivamortians, which means they must be up to something. It’s very suspicious when you think about it… All those beautiful churches are probably a cover for something!
- Rureth is actually populated entirely by dead people! That’s why they never complain about anything!
- They are very welcoming of travellers in Rureth, but don’t ask too many questions or you might be made into a hideous undead.
- Thanks to its stability, Rureth is a great place to trade with if you’re brave enough and don’t mind the Vivamortians.
Five Facts about Rureth
For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Rureth or has visited it in the past.
- The Land of Vivamort: The land of Rureth has a strong church, with a particular interpretation of Vivamort. The Saints of Vivamort rule this land as is their right.
- Necromancy Abounds: Necromancy is a legal and protected practice in Rureth, with undead always afforded some kind of legal protection; either equal to a citizen or as property.
- Benevolent Sainthood: The people of Rureth live well and are given food and shelter when in need, though many outside the country suspect foul play and something sinister.
- Contempt for Mygaen: The Rurethi leaders feel that neighbouring Mygaen has lost the favour of the Reborn One and they scoff at this.
- Surprisingly Permissive: Rureth permits its citizens religions outside the state church – there are nobility who are not Saints of Vivamort – but teaches that ultimately there is only one route to a greater life after the first.