Perelastra, “The Realm of Light”
Head of state: Empress Mahin the Everliving
System of Government: Imperial
Major religions: Elbereth; Morvana
Minor Religions: All
Languages: Perelastran
Major Species: Humans; Quenya
Minor Species: None
National Descriptor: Perelastran
A long-lived empire which, until recently, was believed to have an immortal emperor.
Five Rumours about Perelastra
Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Perelastra. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this country, a land that has gone from a long period of constancy to one of great change.
- Perelastra had an immortal emperor, but the gods struck him down for daring to claim that his power equalled theirs!
- In Perelastra everything literally glows, like a Quenya! That is how much light there is in this land of light.
- The Empress is a great reformer who has undone centuries of evil by once again permitting the true gods into Perelastra, protecting the souls of the people.
- Somewhere in Perelastra is a wondrous spring. Anyone who drinks from it shall have eternal life. Perelastrans the Empress, or Emperor before her, wishes to honour are allowed to drink from this spring, but are then bound to secrecy by the most terrible oaths – still, you can tell because they barely seem to age.
- Perelastra is kept peaceful by unstoppable killer soldiers capable of knowing a person’s every move before they even make it! They detect evil acts that a person will do in the future and kill them before they can!
Five Facts about Perelastra
For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Perelastra or has visited it in the past.
- A Thousand-Year Reign: Perelastra is an Empire over 1,000 years old, and was led throughout most of that time by Ixion the Everliving, an immortal ruler who was succeeded by his daughter in the 1290s. Nobody knows what happened to Ixion.
- Tyranny of Light: Ixion devoutly followed the faith of Elbereth and banned all other faiths, elevating Quenya to a high status. Empress Mahin has spent the first decade of her reign in reforming this monotheistic culture, meeting with both delight and opposition.
- Patriotic Fervour: With Empress Mahin allowing the worship of spiritual faiths, many eager supporters have flocked to try every religion known to humanity, whether to show loyalty or just out of curiosity.
- Ageless Nobility: The descendents of Ixion have proven to be incredibly long-lived humans, with some speculating his daughter may be equally immortal.
- Fearsome Military: Perelastra is known for the “Hands of Mahin”, the fearsome military, enforcers and spies that answer only to the Empress.