Head of State: Pharaoh Enta’kon, High Priest of Bast and Hand of Anuban
System of Government: Theocratic Absolute Monarchy
Major Religions: Bast, Azrael
Minor Religions: The Cult of the Black Pharaoh
Languages: Jeptric
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Beastkin, Drow
National Descriptor: Jeptric
A dry land fed by an unlikely river that flows through the desert even during the heat of the summer.
Five Rumours about Jeptri
Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Jeptri. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this often superstitious, largely desert country.
- Jeptri is the most ancient land in all of the world! You can tell because it doesn’t boast about it.
- Jeptri is populated entirely by Bastite catkin!
- All the best treasure hunters and ruin-delvers in the world learnt their trade in Jeptri’s many ancient tombs.
- Although the Jeptrics pretend to revere the gods, secretly they only revere the dead!
- The reason for all the old monuments and tombs is that actually, they focus massive amounts of arcane power for grand purposes only the greatest mages can even comprehend!
Five Facts about Jeptri
For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Jeptri or has visited it in the past.
- Distant Past: The majority of the population live under ancient monuments, whose meanings have often been forgotten by history.
- Superstitious: Jeptrics cling to superstitions and rituals that seem to have lost their meaning long ago.
- Decadent: The worship of Bast leads to a lifestyle that favours decadence and wealth.
- Concerned with the Afterlife: Anuban, the Jeptric Guardian of the Underworld, asks his followers a Question, which enables them to enter the underworld and find rest after death.
- Ruled by an Avatar: The Pharaoh is said to be both the Hand of Anuban and the Avatar of Bast.