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Ancient Empire

The Ancient Empire of Humanity

Head of State: The Most Illustrious Emperor of the Mandate of Heaven (Vermillion Quill Niao)
System of Government: Imperial
Major Religions: Balance, Elementalism
Minor Religions: None
Languages: Ancient Imperial
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Dragons
National Descriptor: Ancient Imperial

An ancient and insular country that recently underwent a revolution.

Five Rumours about the Ancient Empire

Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited the Ancient Empire. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this exceptionally insular country.

  1. Only Humans are allowed in the Ancient Empire. Everyone else is summarily executed the moment they are seen!
  2. The Ancient Empire sees Zantia as a murderous opposite and would do anything to destroy it.
  3. Ancient Imperials always think they are better than you. You’d find fewer snobs if you tracked mud into your own homeland’s seat of governance.
  4. The Ancient Empire doesn’t have real nobility, but only pretend nobility.
  5. The Ancient Empire is actually ruled by an immortal dragon that summarily immolates anyone who questions it!

Five Facts about the Ancient Empire

For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from the Ancient Empire or has visited it in the past.

  1. Perfectly Balanced: The Empire is founded on the idea of Balance both internally and externally. Pursuit of balance is a virtue and even informs personal relationships.
  2. Human Superiority: The Ancient Empire is ruled by Humans and is mostly homogenous, though dragons are said to dwell deep within.
  3. Bonds Above Individuals: The Ancient Empire has a system of bonds, based on the elements that define the relationships between each other, and citizens are expected to treat each other in accordance with these bonds.
  4. The Civil Service: Every citizen sits Civil Service Exams. Those who score highly are permitted to form the vast bureaucracy and gain privileges similar to nobility abroad.
  5. Unusual Naming: Ancient Imperial names take the format of ADJECTIVE NOUN SURNAME. This is often shortened to SURNAME or NOUN. The ADJECTIVE is a generational name, so will be shared by siblings or spouses.