Adventure 2
Adventure 2: 10am, Dunelm House car park. Adventure level 2 (freshers given priority for charactering), follow a crazy rat-man and deal…
Adventure 2: 10am, Dunelm House car park. Adventure level 2 (freshers given priority for charactering), follow a crazy rat-man and deal…
Interactive 2: Henry Dyson Room, Hild Bede College, 7:30pm Monday 14th October Return to news index
Dark Tempus Pub Meet: Pub meet in the Weatherspoons Water House on North Road, Friday 21st at 7:pm. This is a…
Easter Term OGM 2013: The OGM will take place on Wednesday 19th June, ER143, starting at 7pm. The agenda can be found at: OGM…
Promise Auction 2013: After the last interactive of the academic year we will be holding this year’s Promise Auction where you…
Nerd East TT Event Playtest: This Thursday, for those who should not be revising, we’ll be running a playtest for the…
NERD EAST 2013!!! – THE NORTH EAST’S MINI-CON: Nerd East is the North East�s Roleplay Mini-Convention and Kit Fair. It will be…
Conclave – The 3YGB: It has been weeks since the sails of Lipari the Pirate King, Avatar of Ishmund, have been…
Geek Soc Summer Social – Pirates vs Ninjas: Ladies and Gentlemen, Durham University Geek Society presents, for your entertainment, the 2013…
30th Anniversary Banquet Menu Announced: The 30th Anniversary Banquet menu can be found at Return to news index