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Spiritual Skills

Spiritual Skills

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Spiritual Favour (10xp) [Root Skill]
Required for: Battle GroupBestow MiracleBless; Curse; Demon LoreDevotionDying CurseFinal BlessingMartial Spirit IMartial Spirit IIMartial Spirit IIIMiraculous PowerRemove Spiritual Aura; Specific MiracleSpiritual StrengthUndeath Lore

This skill represents a level of understanding about the nature of souls and spirits. This skill allows the character to call ‘Detect Spirit’ at touch range at will, and to call ‘Rec Spirit’ on inanimate objects at touch range at will. Only the caster gains the results of these calls IC.

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII]. This skill may not be bought above your level.

Bless (12xp)
Requires: Devotion; Spiritual Favour of equal level.
Required for: Final Blessing;

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].
This skill allows the character to perform a short prayer of blessing over another target creature, which must include the call “Bless”. They may do this once per day for each two ranks of Bless that they have. The target creature gains 1 point of regenerating spirit armour (The spirit armour is restored after 5 minutes). This effect lasts until the end of the day. The target creature must accept the blessing to gain any effects. You may bless the same target multiple times, which will cause the Bless to stack with itself, e.g. a spiritualist with Bless 4 can bless the same character twice at the same time, giving them 2 points of spirit armour. If the target creature is already under the blessing(s) of a different spiritualist, those are replaced with this one. A character cannot bless themselves.

For the Bless to function, the character using the Bless skill must not stray too far from the recipient of the Bless. In OC terms, the characters giving and receiving the Bless must both be attending the same event for the skill to function, for example, both being present at the same Interactive, or being in the same character party during an Adventure.

Final Blessing (5xp)
Requires: Bless III

This skill allows the character to create a kind of spiritual echo that briefly persists after they die. Within a week after the character dies, but not during the same event they died, their ‘spirit echo’ may appear for up to 15 minutes to a single creature they know and have met. During this time, the character may communicate and/or use the Bless ability on the target as many times as they could have done in life. The target will automatically understand the spirit echo, regardless of language. These Blesses last until the target breaks a specific command or ‘stricture’ which they must tell the target (this must be ref-approved). The target creature may choose to reject the blessing.

Curse (12xp)
Requires: Devotion; Spiritual Favour of equal level.
Required for: Dying Curse;

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].
This skill allows the character to curse a target creature within 30ft, denouncing them in the name of the character’s beliefs. The character may do this once every 5 minutes for each two ranks of Curse they possess, with the call “Curse”. The next time the cursed creature takes damage, they take an extra degree of damage. The curse lasts for 5 minutes or until discharged. If the target creature is already under the effects of a curse, they do not stack.

Dying Curse (5xp)
Requires: Curse III

This skill allows the character to create a kind of spiritual echo that briefly persists after they die. Within a week after the character dies, but not during the same event they died, their ‘spirit echo’ may appear for up to 15 minutes to a single creature they know and have met. The target will automatically understand the spirit echo, regardless of language. During this time, the character may communicate and/or use the Curse ability on the target as many times as they could have done in life. Unlike a normal Curse, these curses may be stacked onto the same target (e.g. a character who had Curse 4 could curse the target twice, resulting in them taking an extra degree of damage from the first two hits they took every 5 minutes). These Curses last until the target completes a given task that the character states with the curse (this task must be ref-approved). Until that task is completed, the curse(s) refresh every 5 minutes.

Undeath Lore (7xp)
Requires: Spiritual Favour I

This skill grants the character the ability to tell whether a character is undead; to tell the rank of an undead creature; and to recognise most forms of undead. The character may call “Mass Detect Undead” at will. Anyone within 30ft who is undead should respond with “Ping”. The character may also call “Rec Undead” with a 30ft range on a specific target. If the targeted creature is undead, they should respond with Ping, their rank, and their type of undead, e.g: “Ping, Zombie Rank 3”. Only the user gains the results of these calls IC.

Demon Lore (7xp)
Requires: Spiritual Favour I

This skill grants the character the ability to tell whether a character is a demon. The character may call “Mass Detect Demon” at will. Anyone within 30ft who is a demon should respond with Ping. If they are carrying a demonic item, then respond with “Ping, this item”. Eg: if you’re holding a demonic sword, respond “Ping, this sword”. Only the user gains the results of these calls IC.

Devotion (8xp) [Root Skill]
Requires: Spiritual Favour I
Required for: Battle Group; Bestow Miracle; Bless; CurseMiraculous PowerRemove Spiritual Aura

The character is considered a member of a church, religion, or spiritual following of a specific deity. This skill grants the use of spirit which may be used to cast miracles; priests with Spiritual skills at Level 1 and no higher have 2 spirit, and priests with spiritual skills over Level 1 have 5 spirit. You may only gain the benefits of devotion to one deity at any time. You also gain the first miracle of your deity’s primary domain for free, and may cast it at one level lower. You must still buy Miraculous Power in order to cast any miracles.

The character may lay a the soul of a dead person to rest by performing a short rite over the body of the dead. The ritual to lay a soul to rest must include the words “I lay you to rest” and the name of the relevant god (or Oblivion). If this ritual is interrupted, it must be started again. If the rite is successful, the soul immediately leaves the body. Once this occurs, certain abilities no longer work on the target. In addition, the body cannot be raised as an undead. They can send the soul to Oblivion, their deity, the Balance, or any Death God (Humact, Azrael, or the Seeker).

A priest who is spirit-wracked no longer counts as having the skill “Devotion [God]” for the purposes of purchasing skills or miracles with XP. Their pre-existing skills and miracles are not altered.

This is an innate skill.

Miraculous Power (5xp)
Requires: Spiritual Favour of equal level, Devotion
Required for: Specific Miracle;

This skill represents a level of understanding and power controlling the spirits used for miracles. This grants you the ability to cast the primary domain miracle equal to the level of Miraculous Power you have, if one is granted at that level.

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII]. This skill may not be bought above your level.

Specific Miracle (5xp)
Requires: Miraculous Power of equal level, all miracles of lower level from the same domain, primary miracle of same level for auxiliary miracles
Required for: Remove Spiritual AuraBestow Miracle;

The devoted character learns the next Miracle from one of their god’s domains. Devotees must learn all lower level miracles from the same domain before learning miracles of a higher level from that domain.

Miracles cost 1 spirit to cast.

The devoted character must learn the miracle from their god’s primary domain before learning any other miracles of the same level from auxiliary domains.

Bestow Miracle (3xp)
Requires: Devotion, Spiritual Favour of equal level, Primary Domain Specific Miracle of equal level

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [from level II to level VI].

This skill enables the character to give a single miracle to one other character to use as he or she sees fit. No character may bestow more than one miracle at a time.

The miracle must be of a level no higher than the caster’s level of Bestow Miracle. Additionally, the miracle must be of a level no higher than one less than the caster’s level of Bestow Miracle, if the miracle is from one of the character’s Auxiliary Domains. The miracle must also be of a level no higher than the level of the recipient.

The cost in spirit to the bestowing character is the cost of the miracle, and this spirit is invested until the miracle is cast, or until the end of the next event that occurs. The bestowing cannot be rescinded by the caster. When bestowing the miracle, the recipient must agree to follow one stricture of the caster’s faith until the miracle is fully expended – for example, until all uses of Lay on Hands 4 have been used, or until the duration of Mental Shield expires. A bestowed miracle will be removed by the deity if the recipient breaks the chosen stricture of the faith of the bestowing priest.

To use the bestowed miracle, the recipient must call upon the deity of the character which granted them the miracle, as though they were casting it as a priest of that deity. They do not need to be in possession of the relevant holy symbol to do so. If the bestowed miracle is a group miracle, the recipient may only cast it if they have at least one rank of the skill Battle Group, and may cast it on their own battle group.

In bestowing a miracle, the caster is declaring the recipient as one who is righteous and worthy of using the weapons of the faith. If the recipient proves unworthy this reflects upon the caster who may, depending upon the degree of transgression, be set a task to regain their deity’s favour.

The caster cannot bestow a miracle upon themselves. They can, however, grant it to another priest – at the risk of one or both Gods disapproving.

Spiritual Strength (15 XP)
Requires: Spiritual Favour of twice level, Devotion.

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level III].
This skill grants one additional Spirit per rank. Spirits gained from this skill may only be used to cast miracles of 4th level or lower. Spirits gained from this skill cannot be spirit melded, used in geomantic rituals or diabolic pacts, or used to remove spiritual auras – these spirits may only be used to cast miracles in the manner outlined above.

Remove Spiritual Aura (3xp)
Requires: Devotion, Spiritual Favour of equal level, Primary Domain Specific Miracle of equal level

Remove Spiritual Aura enables a priest to perform a short ritual on an ongoing miracle of a level no higher than their level of Remove Spiritual Aura. Five minutes after the ritual is cast, the targeted spiritual effect will be removed. The ritual must be cast within 3″ of the effect and last at least ten seconds, and it expends one spirit. This skill cannot destroy undead or remove Cause Disease or Cause Pestilence. It has no effect on miracles of instantaneous duration. This skill may be bought from level II to level VI.

Battle Group (4xp)
Requires: Spiritual Favour of equal level, Devotion; or Druidic Talent of equal level

This skill may be bought in ascending levels [to level VIII].

This skill allows the character to perform a short ritual to add a target willing character to their battle group. The target character is then in this character’s battle group until the next dawn. The character may do this a number of times per day equal to the level of this skill. The first time the character performs the ritual each day, they name their battle group. Each other time they perform the ritual in the same day, they must inform the target of the group’s name. The character must add the name of their battle group to the vocal of all ‘Group’ miracles. Group miracles target all characters in the caster’s battle group. The character may perform the ritual a number of times per day equal to their level of the battle group skill. A character always counts as a member of their own battle group. A priest may join another priest’s battle group, and there is no limit to the number of battle groups one person may be in.

E.g.: A character with battle group IV can add 4 other people to their battle group per day. If they named the battle group “Blades of Sordan” and then cast “Group Blessed Weapons”, they would add “Blades of Sordan” to the miracle vocal, and the miracle would cast Blessed Weapons on each member of their battle group (including themselves).

Martial Spirit I (2xp)
Requires: Spiritual Favour I
Required for: Martial Spirit IIIMartial Spirit II;

The character has spent time training to cast miracles while in combat. The character now considers any of their hands holding a weapon to be empty for the purpose of casting miracles.

Martial Spirit II (2xp)
Requires: Spiritual Favour II, Martial Spirit I
Required for: Martial Spirit III;

The character may channel touch range miracles through a wielded weapon. They replace their damage call with the miracle effect as appropriate.

E.g.: Casting Weakness this way would replace the normal damage call with “Nothing, Weakness”. Casting Harm (touch) would replace the normal damage call with “Spirit Double”.

Martial Spirit III (6xp)
Requires: Spiritual Favour IV, Martial Spirit II

The character may extend their spirit into a Flawless quality weapon which they have become accustomed to, causing it to become a ‘spirit weapon’ in their hands inflicting spiritual damage. In the hands of another character, a spirit weapon does not inflict spiritual damage. A character may only have one spirit weapon empowered at any one time. Spirit weapons are immune to magical item destruction while being held by that character.