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Head of State: Marquis Claudio di Venetzia
System of Government: Oligarchy
Major Religions: He Who Suffers (Sordan)
Minor Religions: Demon Worship
Languages: Roma
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: None

Five Things to Know About This Country:

  1. Decadence and Trade: Trade is the lifeblood of Venice. Every citizen knows who owes what, and what others stand to inherit. Gold flows through the rivers of the city.
  2. He Who Suffers: Sordan is the God worshipped in Venice, and the conceptualisation of the God focuses on experience and sensuality beyond mere pain.
  3. Demonic Reckoning: In 1298 Venice seemed to lose many of its ruling class. This is related to the long-established and practiced art which still forms an essential and commonplace part of the upper class lifestyle.
  4. Performance: The arts, masquerade and performance are so essential to Venice that whole ritual arts have been dedicated to it.
  5. A Republic of Gold: Venice is a republic, but voting rights are strictly based on monopolies, property ownership and position. By this mechanism, the elite battle among themselves while denying a wider franchise.