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Vaidarre / Farlaine

The Valorous Republic of Vaidarre

Head of State: Esteemed Senator Isilane d’Vere
System of Government: Conciliar Republic
Major Religions: Humact
Minor Religions: Astalon; most others
Languages: Falvar
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Elemental Elves; True Elves; Dwarves
National Descriptor: Vaidran (formerly Farlan)

Recently riven by revolution within followed by war without, the land now known as Vaidarre currently exists in an uneasy peace. Until the year 1307, it was called Farlaine, and many locals still use the old name.

Five Rumours about Vaidarre

Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited the Valorous Republic of Vaidarre. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this country and its tumultuous history.

  1. In Vaidarre’s past, when it was called Farlaine, if a courtship didn’t last at least two years and wasn’t full of dramatic declarations of love, romantic poetry, duels with rivals, and mighty quests, it wasn’t considered a real courtship and you couldn’t get married!
  2. Vaidarre and Gavarrl have always hated one another. This is either because Gavarrl is a rebellious province that escaped its rightful rule, or because Vaidarre is a rebellious province that escaped its rightful rule, depending on who you ask.
  3. Since the old nobility were cruelly slaughtered, no-one knows their place in society any more, and you might find bakers living in mansions or once-mighty heirs sweeping streets.
  4. Nothing is more important to a Vaidran than their honour, save for the honour of their partner.
  5. During the revolution, Astalon was banned for not being legalistic enough!

Five Facts about Vaidarre

For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from the Valorous Republic of Vaidarre or has visited it in the past.

  1. Courtly Tradition: The country of Farlaine was home to a romantic, chivalrous ideal. While the nobles who espoused it most strongly were largely slain in the revolution, many are the tales, songs, and legends of noble knights chivalrously courting or competing for the affections of one another. These are still told today in Vaidarre.
  2. Rival Neighbour: Gavarrl and Vaidarre have long been rivals, the people of each believing they have a claim to the throne of the other. Now that the new Vaidran government is largely formed of younger children of the Gavarrian nobility, the rivalry is at once reduced and stronger than ever.
  3. Uncertain Hierarchy: Since revolution and war killed many of the old nobility, the social structure of Vaidarre, once deliberately kept rigid, is in a state of flux.
  4. Religious Turmoil: Vaidarre has long tolerated all religions, but favoured the honourable Humact. The revolution declared itself against religion of all stripes, and all faiths were briefly banned, causing a great deal of anger that the new government has taken full advantage of. Many of the new nobility are more Astalonian than Humacti, but the traditions of the country remain highly Humacti, and a small number of the new senate have begun to publicly honour and worship both gods.
  5. Newly-Formed Government: The Senate as a governing body is as yet new and untried, for Vaidarre has historically been a feudal monarchy. Its foremost figure, Esteemed Senator Isilane d’Vere, is said to be an impressive mediator as well as highly charismatic in her own right, but many believe that only time will truly tell whether the Senate is a functional government or another folly.