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The Roof of the World

The Roof of the World

Head of State: None
System of Government: Confederacy of States
Major Religions: Ariel Worship; Worship of other Elemental Lords
Minor Religions: Dependent on State
Languages: Falvar; Rubic; Tretovan; Aerokin
Major Species: Humans; Dwarves; Aerokin
Minor Species: Trolls; Tomten; Drow
National Descriptor: None

This mountainous region lives in reasonable harmony with itself most of the time, from the high peaks to the caverns below.

Five Rumours about the Roof of the World

Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited the Roof of the World. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this region of contrast and diversity.

  1. Relics of a fantastical ancient civilisation can be found here, but the locals hide them from everyone, and maybe even imprison outsiders who see them so that no-one has ever done so and left to tell the tale!
  2. As many people in the Roof of the World are actually from its neighbours as from it.
  3. Everyone in the Roof of the World worships Ariel, and some of the great mystics can even fly by simply walking on the wind.
  4. They say every valley has its own set of laws.
  5. People in the Roof of the World divide themselves according to the altitude they live at.

Five Facts about the Roof of the World

For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from the Roof of the World or has visited it in the past.

  1. Wonder and Mystery: Even within the Roof of the World, facts about more than one’s own valley, peak, or cavern system are hard to come by. Many are the rumours of ancient Aerokin mystics, flying bird people, great floating cities, and more… all just beyond the next mountain.
  2. Diverse in All Things: Religiously and culturally diverse, the Roof of the World is home to many species, faiths and cultures with no common language of its own.
  3. The Way of Four Winds: The Roof of the World is home to the Monasteries of the Four Winds, one of the few religious institutions devoted to Ariel in the world.
  4. Rule of the Cantons: The Roof of the World is divided into different cantons, each ruling with their own laws and legal systems, but brought together by a common constitution.
  5. Pastoral and Pleasant: The sheltered valleys of the Roof of the World provide a pleasant pastoral farming land.