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Head of State: Idris ibn Salih
System of Government: Monarchy
Major Religions: Elemental Shamanism
Minor Religions: None
Languages: Berber
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Elemental Elves

Five Things to Know About This Country:

  1. Disdain for Gods: In Morocco the Spiritual Gods are believed to be demonic in nature and they forbid the worship of the Gods on pain of death.
  2. Elite Bloodlines: The Sultan and his nobility claim a bloodline that is blessed by elementalism and this gives them the right to rule.
  3. Elemental Shamanism: The religion of Morocco claims that there are blessed elemental spirits who are summoned by the priests to aid the world.
  4. Stark Class Differences: In Morocco there are essentially two classes, “The Nobles” and “The Rest”; there is no way to transition from one to the other.
  5. Enemy of Tlemcen: Nearby Tlemcen is Morocco’s greatest enemy, and a constant state of low level cold war exists between them.