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Head of State: None.
System of Government: None
Major Religions: Olympia; Dragonlord Worship
Minor Religions: Other Bone Faiths
Languages: Caltan
Major Species: True Elves
Minor Species: Humans
National Descriptor: Grenillish

Ravaged beyond recognition by the vicious invasion of its much larger, stronger neighbour, Alaiso, what remains of Grenillis is a magic-blasted wasteland, its ragged, hardy survivors eking out a living amongst the ruins of their former lives.

Five Rumours about Grenillis

Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited Grenillis. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this tiny, often-despised country.

  1. The True Elves of Grenillis were slaughtered because they worshipped demons so foul that even other demons were scared of them!
  2. Alaiso and its allies destroyed Grenillis because it was a nation of True Elves, which all right-thinking people know is a dangerous thing to have on one’s borders.
  3. Grenillis is totally uninhabitable since the Nixies drowned the land, the Pyrokin burnt the land, the Tomten shattered the land, the Aerokin blasted the land with lightning, the Drow covered the land with shadow, and the Quenya found and reported every last living thing to their brethren to destroy. All that is there now are ruins and angry ghosts.
  4. The razing of Grenillis was to demonstrate the power of the Alisian and Marukhi forces.
  5. There is a prophecy that one day a great villain will rise from Grenillis and enslave the entire world!

Five Facts about Grenillis

For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from Grenillis or has visited it in the past.

  1. Ruined by War: In 1301, Alaiso and Marukh together attacked this tiny island and devastated it.
  2. Former Haven for True Elves: Fleeing persecution and murder, True Elves have long congregated in Grenillis, the only place in the world where they are the dominant species.
  3. Dragonlord Worship: Grenillis is the only place in the world where the mythical Dragonlords are praised and worshipped as gods instead of demons.
  4. Disputed Ownership: As an island, Grenillis has long been claimed by multiple parties, but rarely to the point of open battle. Until the invasion by Alaiso, these multi-way tensions allowed it a large degree of latitude in its governance and inhabitants, permitting it to develop its unique culture.
  5. Transformed by Mists: More northerly countries remember Grenillis before 1299 as a sombre isle of Azraelite fatalism.