The Peaks
Head of State: None
System of Government: Individual Tight-Knit Communities
Major Religions: None
Minor Religions: Various
Languages: Alvaric
Major Species: Dwarves
Minor Species: Negligible
National Descriptor: None
The Peaks is largely known as an inhospitable, monster-infested wilderness. It is significantly safer underground, however, and several communities of dwarves live there, reputedly quite well.
Five Rumours about the Peaks
Rumours may be known by characters who are not from and have not visited the Peaks. This is just a small sample of rumours you might have heard about this deadly land.
- The Peaks is infested by deadly, horrible, murderous monsters! Even setting foot on one of the mountains is an invitation to death!
- It is impossible to live on the surface of the Peaks. Many have been driven mad and even died in the attempt.
- The Dwarves of the Peaks are descended from an entirely different empire to Rubis, one that lived in absolute secrecy. Because of this culture of secrecy, they won’t admit it to outsiders, of course. That proves it’s true!
- The Peaks was cursed by the Elemental Lords in prehistoric times. They will not permit any magic to be worked there to this day!
- It is said that the Peaks does not contain a single place of power of any kind. If so, it would be completely unique in the world.
Five Facts about the Peaks
For your OC reference, or IC if your character is from the Peaks or has visited it in the past.
- Truth in Rumour: The surface of the Peaks is inhabited by huge, deadly, armour-plated monsters. Whatever you do, do not disturb their eggs.
- Solidarity of Neighbours: Each community of Dwarves is independent, but they are on good terms with one another.
- Inimical to Magic: It is impossible to cast magic in the Peaks, and mages who enter the region inevitably suffer a strange sickness.
- Land of the Forlorn Hope: Various outcasts and refugees make their way to the Peaks, as the surface is an ungoverned and lawless place. However, it is deadly enough that most of them rarely live overly long.
- Dubious Sanctuary: The Peaks was not invaded by the Lord Undying in 1307 due to her reliance on magical undead, which disintegrate soon after entering the area. However, this has not prevented the occasional more normal skeleton from wandering into the region from the Undying Kingdom.