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The Palatinate

Head of State: The Monarch of Durholme
System of Government: Elected Conciliar Monarchy
Major Religions: The Balance; Various Seal faiths
Minor Religions: Various
Languages: Alvaric
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Elemental Elves; Vetch; Dwarves; True Elves; Orcs; Fae
National Descriptor: None

Whilst the wider Palatinate is by nature a relatively peaceful and pastoral land whose rivers and coastline give it multiple trading options, it is dominated by its capital, Durholme. Until recent times, both the Palatinate and Durholme were ruled by the Prince Bishop of the Balance, a religious figure said to be chosen by the Balance itself, but the position of the Prince Bishop has been frequently vacant for many years, and Durholme’s ever-changing leadership have stepped up to fill the vacuum of power… as well as, at various times, ensuring the position of Prince Bishop was filled, and ensuring that it was vacated.

The Palatinate has little fame in its own right, being mostly viewed as an appendage of Durholme, that strange, unpredictable, and dangerous city, which gives its name to the wider “Realm of Durholme” that it rules. Peace in the Palatinate is kept by the Palatinate Guard, a semi-autonomous body that nominally answers to Durholme’s Captain of the Guard and/or Sheriff of the Palatinate (typically the same person). The laws of the Palatinate are the same as the laws of Durholme, save where Durholme decides to write territorial exceptions into its laws.