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The Durholme / Astra Rubis / Newcroft Pact

The Durholme / Astra Rubis / Newcroft Pact

Signed on this the 7th month of the year 1302

We the undersigned agree to never again raise weapons against each other. 

We agree to support each other with our martial might, and mutual defense from outside threats.

  • We agree to never allow military access or hostile action to be taken by forces controlled by our governing body within the territory rightfully owned by other pact members, without prior permission from their governing body.
    • Therefore any force taking hostile action within the lands of another pact member is not controlled by us, and their destruction is no cause for offense.
  • Should the land of another pact member be invaded or raided by a military force native to another land, we agree to immediately send up to half our military strength in support of other pact members when called upon.
    • Military forces sent in aid will be under the command of the governing body of the land they currently stand within, while within the lands of another pact member.
    • Should the pact member who called for aid no longer need our support, we agree to immediately  withdraw to either our own territory, neutral territory, or the lands of another pact member after gaining their permission.

We the undersigned agree to mutual and cooperative enforcement of law.

  • We agree to punish any in our lands who plot, scheme, or plan to cause harm and destruction within the lands of another pact member, as if they were in said lands.
  • We agree that should an individual be convicted in a court of law in the lands of another pact member, we will immediately imprison the individual, and hand them over to the law enforcement of the other pact member within a period of 4 months. 
    • After this period is over, we reserve the right to keep the individual imprisoned within our own lands, should evidence exist of a threat to their life beyond that imposed by their legal punishment.

We the undersigned agree to cooperation against supernatural and existential threats.

  • We agree to cure or kill all individuals infected with the  plague of the Black Death.
  • We agree to monitor the listed individuals who possess the capability to cause great harm.
    • We agree to monitor those who practice the arts of Geomancy and Demonology, to assess the danger they pose and abilities they possess.
    • We agree to monitor those with spiritual afflictions, to assess the danger they pose and abilities they possess.
    • We agree to share all information on monitored individuals with the governing body and law enforcement of other pact members, if requested.
    • We agree to restrict the travel of monitored individuals into the lands of other pact members, if requested.
  • We agree that the governing body of any pact member may call an emergency council to determine the validity of an existential threat.
    • The call for an emergency council will declare a location to meet, a time within 4 weeks to meet, and a brief description of the nature of the threat.
    • Each pact member will send a single representative to meet at the declared location and time, along with an armoured escort of up to 9 members.
    • Should the pact member who called an emergency council not have a representative present, the threat will be automatically declared invalid and the governing body of that pact member will owe reparations of 800Sch to each other pact member who had a representative present.
    • The representatives will then each present evidence for and against the threat being existential in nature. This will be followed by a single majority yes/no vote on whether the threat should be declared existential.
    • Once declared valid or invalid, an emergency council can not be called to determine the validity of the same threat for a period of 9 months.
  • We agree to devote up to half of our military and supernatural resources to preventing existential threats from destroying pact members, when one exists as agreed by an emergency council.

We the undersigned agree that no other nation or entity may sign this pact, without the prior consent of the governing bodies of each pact member.

We the undersigned agree that no modification to this pact shall be considered valid without the prior consent of the governing bodies of each pact member.

We the undersigned agree that this pact shall last for a period of 3 years, at which point an emergency council will be called to determine if it is to be renewed for another period of 3 years.

Durholme            Astra Rubis        Newcroft

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