The Treaty of Durholme & Milcier
The Treaty of Durholme and Milcier
This Document proclaims and commands the Nations of Durholme and Milcier, both of Greater Alvaron to have met on the Sixth Day of the Second Month in the year Thirteen-Hundred and therein agreed the following terms to exist between their two nations
The Articles as follows:
- That peace between the two nations would exist so long as the articles below this one continue to be upheld. Neither nation would allow military access or take hostile action against the other except in the following circumstances:
- The pursuit of criminals fleeing one nation, in that case military force may pursue them a distance over the border.
- The a temporary easement is created for the rendering of aid or in another time of dire consequence. This easement might be created through mutual agreement between the Milcian Court and the Council of Durholme
- One nation has evidence of the traitors named in Article three are in their city, in which case armies may enter by means described in subsection 1b.
- A small guard may be provided by either nation for the representative in article 5. The duties of this guard are outlined in article 5 subsection A.
- The current borders of both nations are recognised and both agree to respect the sovereignty of the independent nations that make up of Greater Alvaron. Durholme is permitted to govern the lands known as the Palatinate, Northern Rovac and Cumbria. While Mercia retains rulership over the Kingdom of Greater Alvaron namely: Cenwal, Wister, Guthryer, Cestra, Stavra, the Peaks, Suthvar, Deyar, Lastre, and Southern Rovac.
- That the following named people are to be considered traitors to both lands and should be sought to be killed without any further trial: Myrren, the one known as Murder Dwarf, Owain, Cha’ziz and Malvin.
- Any who would aide or hide knowledge of the whereabouts of these people is to be considered equally guilty and sentenced to much the same once any useful information is to be extracted.
- This part of the treaty will stand always in legacy: even once all named people are brought to justice, their names shall remain.
- Trade between the two nations shall flow freely and without restraint or hindrance.
- A representative of Milcier would be present within Durholme and the same courtesy is extended in reverse, namely a Durholme representative in Milcier.
- This representative is to be granted a small personal guard that may be from their home nation if desired. This guard is to obey all laws of the nation they are in but may commit acts of assault in self-defence of their representative.
- This representative is a diplomat instructed to negotiate on behalf of their respective nation to ensure this treaty remains in force and that any arising matters are dealt with.
- The City of Durholme and Milcier are to encourage the will of St John.
- To this end they are to encourage good deeds throughout their city
- They must provide healing for the injured.
- And provide aid for those who are worthy of it
- The Archduke of Durholme and their representatives are subject to the rule of law in whatever nation they should find themselves in.
- A break in any of the above articles in the eyes of either party is just cause for a state of war to exist between the two nations.
This treaty is to be considered a valid treaty from the time of its signed until such dark time as it is broken or one party feels that they must withdraw from it. This treaty is only valid if:
- It is signed using the holy artifact of Astalon, which demands that no signatory can be attempting deception or misdirection
- Three signatures are obtained from Durholme: Archduke Roderick Cain, the Voice of Durholme Justine Ishmundi and a third person of noted respect within the city. The Archduke alone is not sufficient as his rule has been widely questioned
- On behalf of Mercia the signatures of the King, Lord Grey-Priest of Mallan, Advisor to the Crown and Lord Cecil Allerton the Diplomat assigned to bring forth this document.
Signatures of Milcier and Durholme:
King Augustus of Milcier
Lord Grey
Mortimer-acting Archduke
Jempa Captain of the Guard
Justine Ishmundis, Voice of Durholme
Lord Cecil Allerton