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Interactive 4

The Learning Lounge Floor C, Durham Students' Union (Dunelm House), New Elvet, Durham, United Kingdom

The Greedy Goblin may well be graced by a festival of death upon this hallowed day...


Adventure 5: TBD

DSU Car Park DSU, Dunelm House, Durham

A party set out for adventure; what could possibly go wrong?


Interactive 5

The Learning Lounge Floor C, Durham Students' Union (Dunelm House), New Elvet, Durham, United Kingdom

Once more unto the dread pub, my friends!


Adventure 6: TBD

DSU Car Park DSU, Dunelm House, Durham

The party may have a compass, but does it have a moral compass?

Free – £3

Interactive 6

The Learning Lounge Floor C, Durham Students' Union (Dunelm House), New Elvet, Durham, United Kingdom

Another day in the Greedy Goblin!


Adventure 7: TBD

DSU Car Park DSU, Dunelm House, Durham

Face the vagaries of fate in the woods!

Free – £3

Interactive 7

The Learning Lounge Floor C, Durham Students' Union (Dunelm House), New Elvet, Durham, United Kingdom

It's the Greedy Goblin; what could possibly go wrong? (Oh no, you jinxed it!)


Adventure 8: TBD

DSU Car Park DSU, Dunelm House, Durham

They'll never see it coming...

Free – £3

Interactive 8

The Learning Lounge Floor C, Durham Students' Union (Dunelm House), New Elvet, Durham, United Kingdom

Don't say the words. You know the words. The ones you don't say.


Adventure 9: TBD

DSU Car Park DSU, Dunelm House, Durham

The last adventure of term!

Free – £3

Interactive 9

The Learning Lounge Floor C, Durham Students' Union (Dunelm House), New Elvet, Durham, United Kingdom

The last interactive of term! Have you blown up the city yet?
