Constitution Updates
onstitution Updates:
The AGM in Epiphany Term made two changes to the Constitution.
3.II was removed and replaced with:
The running of a major adventure at the end of each academic year, to be known as the Third Year Goodbye (“3YGB”), shall be the role of a separate team of refs under a 3YGB Head Ref, who shall have ultimate responsibility for the running of the event, and may appoint other refs to assist with their duties. The focus of this event is to provide student members with the experience of running and participating in a countrywide LARP event. The Budget for the 3YGB must be approved by the Treasurer. This event will by default be considered canon but may be declared non-canon at the discretion of the incoming Head Ref. The 3YGB refs should endeavour to give third year students some extra attention during character creation. A third year is here defined as someone who is currently in their third year at Durham University, or has chosen (for whatever reason) to defer their third year to a subsequent year. At the discretion of the 3YGB Head Ref a member of the society who has participated in a reasonable number of regular events for three years, or any other member in extenuating circumstances, may also be designated as a third year. A person who has participated in a 3YGB as a third year may not then again participate as a third year.
This will take practical effect after this year’s 3YGB in June.
4.I.ii has been amended and now reads:
Abiding by the Game Rules. No player shall perform any act which they know to contravene the Game Rules in force at that event. If any player is judged to be acting against the Game Rules, the event organisers or a member of the Ref Team shall first warn them; if they continue to do so, the event organiser may bar them from participating in that event for a limited time or for the whole of the rest of the event. The ruling of the organisers on the Game Rules shall be final for that event. If a player disagrees with a ruling, they may raise it with the event organiser, but if the event organiser upholds the ruling, players must abide by that ruling for the remainder of the event. Longer-term rulings on the rules may be made by members of the Ref Team; if a player disagrees with a ruling, they may raise it with the Head Ref, but if the Head Ref upholds the ruling, players must abide by it. These longer rulings may last up to the end of the academic term. The ref team must submit these rulings to the next General Meeting.
This takes effect immediately, and the existing ref rulings will be taken to the OGM later in Easter term.