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Persons of Non-Combat Status ~ NEW RULES!

ersons of Non-Combat Status ~ NEW RULES!:

It may be that there are players who are unable to take part in combat due to a variety of reasons, notably including disability or injury. Should this occur, the player in question must communicate this to the Head Ref or Armourer (or an appointed representative of either) as early as possible during an event.

The head ref or armourer will then announce to the rest of the society that this person is non-combatant.

Effort should be made to not hit this person with a LRP weapon under any circumstances, and it should be understood that they may not be able to drop to the floor, or move quickly, during the event. The Non-Com should not get into the middle of a fight.

Following discussion with the noncombatant, the ref team may choose to use one of the sets of rules below, or another suited to the player.

Should someone wish to initiate combat with a non-combatant player, they should approach them and declare “OOC: I am incapacitating your character.” This takes ten seconds of appropriate roleplay, this timer is interrupted by the attacking party taking damage or being physically or mechanically restrained, or the attack is otherwise prevented, prior to the noncom being incapacitated. The non-combatant player will then be treated as 0 hits and stable on the head.


Should someone wish to initiate combat with a non-combatant player, they should approach them and declare “OOC: I am attacking you.” They may then call their damage to a targeted location, eg, “Double, head.”

Noncombatant rules can also cover their ability to initiate combat.

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