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AGM 2016!: The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th March from 7pm in ER203, here.

We will receive reports from Officers, elect the new Exec, Committee and non-Committee Officers for 2016-17. These are the President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Social Secretary, the Armourer, the Wardrobe Officer, the Web Officer, the Banqueting Officer, the Archivist, the Weapons Master and the Police Liaison Officer. Please stand as we need these positions filled in order for the Society to run.

We will also discuss and vote on motions that will change the Game ~ if you have any such ideas then you need to submit them to the Secretary, Nathan, by 7pm on Tuesday 8th March by email to [email protected].

We have a motions discussion group on FaceBook that can be found at

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