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Head of State: Caliph Habib
System of Government: Monarchy
Major Religions: Astalon
Minor Religions: Elemental Lords and Ladies
Languages: Berber
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Elemental Elves

Five Things to Know About This Country:

  1. Ports of Gold: Tunisia is a great gateway between east and west, and survives on the vast trade network it is part of.
  2. Defies the League: Tunisia remains fiercely independent of the Hanseatic League, refusing to bow to them and limiting their influence in the region.
  3. Legalistic Rule: The ruling dynasty of Tunisia adhered to the spirit of Astalon creating a fair and refined legal code that makes the nation very socially advanced.
  4. Welcomes Elemental Elves: Elemental Elves make a welcome minority in Tunisia and serve in a number of key roles across the state.
  5. Paradise in the Desert: Tunisia has a number of impressive engineering feats and a strong education system that allows it to provide a high standard of living to its citizenry.