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Head of State: Caliph Victor
System of Government: Monarchy/Theocracy
Major Religions: The Balance
Minor Religions: All Spiritual Faiths
Languages: Berber
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Elemental Elves, Beastkin

Five Things to Know About This Country:

  1. School of Geomancy: Geomancy is woven deeply into the fabric of Tlemcen, which has a large number of crossing ley lines.
  2. Universalist Church: Spiritual Faiths are given paramount importance in Tlemcen, and the head of the church is believed to be the Avatar of the Balance.
  3. Clan Structure: Tlemcen operates on a clan structure which resembles that of Roma, though has evolved to be very different.
  4. Hatred of Magic: Tlemcen abhors and hates magic with it being considered heretical and punished most severely.
  5. Rival of Morocco: Nearby Morocco is Tlemcen’s greatest enemy, and a constant state of low level cold war exists between them.