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Head of State: None
System of Government: Confederation of City States
Major religions: The Bone Pantheon
Minor Religions: Ishmund
Languages: Hellenic
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Dwarves, Trolls and Orcs

Five Things to Know About This Country:

  1. Birthplace of the Bone Pantheon: The Bone Pantheon’s predecessor the Torch Pantheon and the Gods contained within originated in Hellenia and the faiths are still strong there.
  2. Birthplace of Heroes: As the place that originated the Heroic Code, many Heroes with their Heroic Names originate from Hellenia.
  3. Home of the Olympics: Hellenia is home to the Olympics, a competition vital to the continuation of the Olympian faith.
  4. Many City States: Hellenia was once unified by Agathon but now is fractured into many different city states, and which one they are from may change their outlook.
  5. Plagued by Undead and Elementals: These supernatural horrors have long assaulted Hellenia, giving some who live there prejudices against them.