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Head of State: Tzar Mikhael Savastia
System of Government: Monarchy
Major Religions: Balance, Shamanism
Minor Religions: Various
Languages: Rus, Hellenic and Khalkua
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Dwarves, Orcs, and Trolls

Five Things to Know About This Country:

  1. Brutal and Harsh: With hostile wildlife, difficult winters, and hard ground, Belarus is a place that breeds hardy survivors.
  2. Land of Opportunity: Belarus has a number of valuable essential goods for trading: Honey, Furs, and Beeswax, that allow for the fortunate to become very wealthy.
  3. Culturally Diverse: Belarus is a land with a mix of cultures, languages and species. Religious traditions shift and various interpretations and superstitions are known.
  4. In Constant Conflict: With frequent invasions and rebellions, Belarus is not an easy or peaceful land.
  5. Heartland of Crime: Due to the wealth and lack of law and order, crime is endemic in Belarus.